Chapter 10: The Chunin Exams (Part 4)

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I was in my room humming to myself as I brushed my long pink hair for bed. I had to remain pretty for Sasuke.

I was mentally preparing myself for tomorrow when team 7 and Sasuke... would go and sign up for the chunin exams.

I was really psyched for it because it will be when I can show Sasuke how useful I am and how much better I am than that useless Naruto. He can't even see so I am definitely better than him. Also I will be able to surpass Ino-pig in skill and strength and Sasuke will definitely choose me over her.

*Sasuke's pov*

I awoke in a bed that was not my own and then memories of the previous night came crashing down. I smirked to myself knowing that Naruto now belonged to me and nobody else could take him away from me. But... where was he?

I decided that I would go and find my lover and so put on some bottoms and left the room.

*Naruto's pov*

I sensed a movement of chakra from my bedroom and realised Sasuke had woken up. His chakra point was displaying smugness and I chuckled.

I was relaxing on the sofa and kyūbi was resting his head on my lap. He was in human form but still purred as I ran my hands through his hair and played with his ears.

Sasuke emerged from the room and turned the corner to see me petting Kurama. His chakra changed from smugness to jealousy and possession.

I looked up to him and smiled. I could imagine his face was contorted into fury. I giggled and he came and sat down on my other side.

I sensed another chakra movement and then soon after Sasukes arrival Gaara came and sat across from us on the other sofa. If Sasuke was annoyed before then he was definitely pissed now. I leant my head on his shoulder to reassure him and he seemed to calm down.

"Gaara," I began. "This is Sasuke Uchiha." I then turned to Sasuke. " Sasuke, this is Gaara of the sand. He his the son of the Kazekage and will be competing among us in the chunin exams with his siblings." They both turned to each other and nodded out of respect. My smile broadened.

This relationship with the possessive Sasuke Uchiha was going to be very entertaining.

*Gaara pov*

I sat across from Naruto and his lover/ teammate. I looked the Uchiha up and down and his composure oozed jealousy. Every pore in his body seemed to emit his possessiveness over Naruto. Kurama was curled up in human form in Naruto's lap and I could only assume the fact Naruto was petting him probably set Uchiha off.

"Gaara, did your team tell you what time they were coming?" Naruto asked me.

I glanced at the clock.

"In 23 minutes." I politely replied.

Naruto rose from his seat knocking Kurama's head off of his lap and onto the sofa as he walked into the kitchen. He gestured for Sasuke to follow. Sasuke also rose and obediently followed after.

Naruto began cooking some french toast, waffles and pancakes. He made conversation with me asking me questions about myself and my team.

He also humoured Sasuke by talking to him and giving him occasional kisses.

Kurama sat in a pounce like position facing Sasuke. I knew if Sasuke messed up Kurama would be quick to slice Sasuke open.

Which is good.

I was growing quite attached to Naruto.
He was good company. I feel we can be good friends in the future.

There was a knock at the door and Sasuke went to open it. My teammates looked curiously at Sasuke but shuffled in anyway. They seem to always get someone unexpected at the door.

Naruto waved them over and introduced Sasuke. They nodded politely, introduced themselves and then we all sat down to eat.

*Sasuke pov*

We sat with Gaara's team and ate the breakfast Naruto had made. It was one of the best things I had eaten and could definitely rival my mothers cooking... which is a rare thing for me to say. Naruto will make a great life partner in the future.

Naruto made polite small talk with everyone and I kept quiet giving my input when necessary with a grunt or a 'hn'. Kyubi sat, curled up in fox form, on Naruto's lap as Naruto tickled his stomach. He ate little of his food and mainly fed it to Kurama.

Finally, when breakfast was done everyone helped Naruto move and scrape plates and then Gaara's team went and sat down as I helped Naruto with the washing up. He washed and I dried.
We made a great team, him and I.

After we finished that there was another knock at the door. Naruto went to open it. As he rose he shot me a wicked grin and then he winked at me. Something was gonna go down.

There was another impatient knock which Naruto walked over to slowly.

After a third and final knock Naruto opened the door.

*??? POV*

"Hello? Can I help you?" He asked.

I looked at him annoyed.

"As a matter of fact you can. I've been stood out here for ages waiting for you to answer the door," I said matter of factly. "Have you seen him?" I asked, still frustrated.

He looked at me and nodded slowly, grinning all the while. The door opened in a way that meant I couldn't see inside.

"Well..." I said impatiently. "Where is he?" I asked. He tapped the side of his nose and winked.

*Kakashi pov*

I hope that they would all come to a joint decision about the exams. I know Sasuke will be fine but I'm worried about Sakura and Naruto.

Sakura I think will feel she is a burden and not want to do the exams as not to let her team down. What am I kidding. She won't want to let Sasuke down. She doesn't care about Naruto. Which saddens me.

I'm worried about Naruto as well. It's not that I think he isn't ready because he could be a member of the ANBU-Black ops now if he wanted to. But what I am worried about is if he snaps. That would be devastating.

I know Kurama will try to contain him as much as he can but... that doesn't eliminate all the hatred and abuse he has suffered all these years. It's really changed him and I worry for his sanity.

(A/N only Naruto, Kurama and all the people Naruto met on his journey know Naruto left the village when he was younger. However all that the blood clone; that Naruto had left in his place; had experienced got passed onto Naruto).

Since me, nor Itachi can be there for him during the exam we had best just hope that Kurama can handle any blood lust that Naruto can no longer control.

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