Chapter 6: The Bell Test

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*Sakura's pov*

I ran out of the house before I could finish doing my hair, which was a shame because now I won't look good for Sasuke.

I didn't eat breakfast because Kakashi sensei told us not to and also I wanted to be thinner for Sasuke. He's so dreamy.

I arrived at the training ground at sunrise. Sasuke was already there. I tried to talk to him but my efforts were pointless.

Naruto and Kakashi sensei were late.

*Naruto pov*

I woke up an hour after sunrise knowing that Kaka-nii would wake up later then that. I ate some breakfast and sealed some in a scroll for the rest of my teammates.

I arrived at the training ground and Sakura yelled at me for being late. I then shoved some food into her hand and went over to Sasuke and did the same thing.

They ate it greedily and thanked me afterwards.

Kakashi sensei arrived an hour after that. I held him in a headlock until he apologized.

Sasuke and Sakura were not yet accustomed to my relationship with Kaka-nii.

*Kakashi pov*

After Naruto released me from the headlock I proceeded to give the instructions for the bell test.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura. Today we will do the bell test." I held up two bells in front of them. "Your job is to get one bell each-"

"But Kakashi sensei. There are only two bells and there are three of us." Sakura cut him off.

And I thought she was supposed to be smart...

"Yes Sakura. This means that the person who doesn't get a bell will be sent back to the academy."

Sakura started protesting at this claiming it to be unfair, Sasuke showed some form of emotion by grunting and Naruto just giggled. He does that a lot.

*Naruto pov*

"Ready... GO!"

Me, Sasuke and Sakura jumped back and hid. I hid my chakra perfectly. Sasuke hid his but because of my heightened sensory ninjutsu I could tell his whereabouts easily. Sakura made no attempt to hide her chakra.

I made my way to Sasukes position. He couldn't tell I was there until I covered his mouth.

"Shhh." I whispered releasing my grip. I heard shuffling as Sasuke turned to face me. His chakra levels returned to normal as his panic subsided.

"Naruto?" Sasuke whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to work together so that we can get the bells. Thats the point of this test." I said eagerly.

Sasukes chakra changed to show that he had clocked onto what I was saying. I could imagine the gears working in his head as he figured it out.

"Ok Naruto, but we need a plan" Sasuke replied.

"Ok. But first help me get Sakura to cooperate with us. She'll only agree to help if you're with me on this."

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