Chapter 11: The Chunin exams (part 5)

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*Sasuke pov*

Somebody had knocked at the door and Naruto had gone to answer it.

He was there for a long time as he spoke to them. He looked back and winked at me and I walked over to him and slung my arm around his shoulder and began nuzzling his neck.

The shocked face of Sakura Haruno looked back at us. Naruto grinned and I smirked.

She stood there, mouth hanging open, unable to form sentences, just making weird strangled noises.

After she came to her senses she burst into tears and ran off. Now she would leave me alone.

Naruto shut the door and turned around and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back.

*Gaaras pov*

Before Naruto closed the door we heard someone crying and running off.
After that Naruto and Sasuke came and sat across from us. Naruto leaning on Sasukes chest whilst sitting in his lap, and Sasuke resting his chin on Narutos head.

We continued to discuss the chunin exams and getting to know each other better. After about 15 minutes of exchanging pleasantries there was another knock at the door.

*Kakashi pov*

I knocked on Narutos door and Sasuke answered it. I was a little confused as to why Sasuke answered it but didn't question it.

He beckoned me into the room of people where Naruto waved and yelled "Ohaiyo Kaka-nii"
I replied and sat next to Naruto who was sat in Sasukes lap. This explains why Sasuke opened the door.

Across from us sat some Suna-shinobi who looked to be a few years older than team 7, apart from the redhead who looked to be the same age.

Naruto introduced me to his guests and I respectively nodded. They nodded back.

*Time skip to when squad 7 hand in their forms*

We went to the room in the academy where we were supposed to hand in our forms. There was a badly placed genjutsu on the room on the floor below the designated room for the forms. Several genin were trying to get into it. I smirked as I followed Naruto up the stairs, Sakura trailing behind us.

We walked into the room on the fourth floor and were greeted by the snarling faces of other competitors. The killer intent they were aiming at us was overpowered by the glare of Naruto.

We walked over to the rest of the rookie nine and we began quietly talking amongst ourselves. We saw Gaara's team across the room and acknowledged each other.

Then the exam proctor walked into the room and told us to place our forms into the box in front of him. We would be given sometime to talk and plan with our teammates before the first exam.

The rookie nine all ended up in this large hall where a boy with a black bowl cut, wearing a green Lycra jumpsuit, and the bushiest eyebrows in existence, approached Sakura. He kept trying to proclaim his love for her but she was having none of it. He then tried to engage in a fight with me for Sakura's love but I just ignored him and cuddled Naruto.

The Lycra clad boy, apparently called Rock Lee, was dragged off by his teammates Ten-ten and Neji. They began apologising for their teammates behaviour, and dragged the protesting Lee away.

The room became quite once more and then the proctor Ibiki walked in and told us the exam would be starting soon and that we should make our way over to the exam hall.

As we walked in we were given a number. This is where we are to sit during the exam. I sat down and the rules were explained to us.

*Naruto pov*

I faced down to my paper. Kakashi had requested they prepare a Braille exam so that I would be able to complete it. I was very glad he did as it would have been a struggle to complete the exam. Although I would have managed.

I knew most of the answers but due to my heightened hearing I could hear as each pen made a mark and I knew what it was writing. I focused in on Sakura as she was on the same question I had missed. She answered it easily. I waited a moment before copying it, incase the exam overseers noticed.

After the time ran out the proctor announced that the final question would be given now.

"If you fail to answer this question you, and your team, will never be able to take the exams again. If you leave now you will be able to take it next time." 

I sat and listened as a great number of the genin in the room decided not to risk it. Sakura's chakra was giving off anxious waves. I turned in her direction and when I knew she was looking at me I shook my head. Her chakra then became a little less anxious and more calm. I knew she would be overthinking this.

Sasuke seemed fine so I didn't feel the need to reassure him.

*Sasuke pov*

The exam proctor then surveyed the remaining shinobi.

"Congratulations. You all pass the first stage of the chunin exams!"

Everyone became confused. And just to add to our confusion a purple blur jumped through the window.

"I'm Anko Miturashi, and I'll be your second exam proctor!" Her voice boomed.

"Your early" Ibiki sighed.

"Welp... Anyway meet me by the forest of death for the second exam!"
And with that she jumped back through the window from where she came.

Ibiki sighed again and we all filed out of the room towards the forest of death.


Hey guys.. sorry I haven't posted in a while.. I've been trying but school is really stressful and I've been studying nonstop.. thank you sooooo much for not giving me hate, I really appreciate your comments so keep leaving them. This story is at 5k reads so thank you so much.. if you have any suggestions or requests please leave a comment..

Thanks again my BOOTIEFUL pretties!!!

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