Chapter 4: The genin test

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I returned to the village with Kurama after nine years. Over this time I had learnt lots of new jutsus and I even had some kekkei genkai (so sorry if I spelt this wrong).

I had training in ninjutsu, genjutsu, kenjutsu and taijutsu. I wore weights around my legs and arms now for training purposes (weights similar to Lee's but a bit heavier).

My appearance had changed too.

I had grown my hair to waist length and tied it with a blood red ribbon at the top of my head.

While we were training Kurama told me that I needed a new look and so now, instead of the horrible orange jumpsuit, I wear some shorts and a top that cuts off below my chest. I think I look like a girl, but Kurama thinks I look nice so I'll take his word for it. The blood clone I left behind has grown its hair but hasn't changed it's outfit.

I continued to walk through the village in the direction of my home.

Kurama was beside me but had a genjutsu over his ears and tail.

As we walked people kept staring at me. I could sense them even though I couldn't see them.

I arrived at my house.
The blood clone was still asleep even though it was late and it needed to go to the academy to take the genin exam.

I dispelled the jutsu and quickly leapt out the window and jumped from roof to roof so that I could make it on time.

As I was taking my seat at the back of the class, the bell rang signalling class to start.

I heard gasps as people walked into the room. People started whispering things like "who is she" and "she is really pretty".

Iruka walked into the room and started calling names to track attendance.

He got to my name and I replied to the shock of the class.

*time skip to the exam*

My name was called and I made my way to the room for the exam.

The instructors were Iruka and Mizuki, who kept looking at me funny. Iruka sensei told me that I had to produce at least 3 clones to pass. I decided to showcase my abilities and produce 5 clones, one of each chakra nature.

Iruka was stunned. So stunned he didn't say anything. Mizuki looked very much the same. I "saw" them make fish like expressions by sending out waves of chakra.

After about five minutes of this Iruka finally told me that I had passed and that I could go and collect a head band. I walked out giggling, recalling the looks on their faces.

I went and sat back at my seat. Most of the class were quiet now but I could still hear the occasional whisper.

Iruka came back to congratulate us on passing the exam then he dismissed us.

As I was walking along the corridors on my way home someone came from behind me and pinned me up against the wall. They had a hold on my collar and were holding he up so I couldn't reach the floor.

I was rather short for a twelve year old boy, which meant he didn't have to lift me far.

The person got really close to my face and started whispering threats and abuse into my ears. His entourage weren't far behind him, most of them were snickering and adding on to the threats.

The threats didn't really scare me so I didn't react.

The person pinning me to the wall leant in even closer to my ear and told me "You are nothing. You are useless and pathetic. Why don't you just go crall some where and die you demon."

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