Chapter 12: The Chunin Exams (part 6)

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Once we'd arrived at the forest of death Anko Miturashi greeted us with a sadistic grin on her face.

"Okay everyone. You will all be given a scroll. If you get a heaven scroll you will need to find an earth scroll from another team and enter the tower. Vice versa with the earth scroll." While she was speaking each team was being given a scroll and a number.

We got an earth scroll so I created a shadow clone that henged into a leaf jonin and made its way towards the cart the scrolls were being kept on.

The clone stealthily retrieved a heaven scroll and made its way towards our numbered gate.

After being told the rules and deadline each team made their way to their designated gates.

When the bell went off the gates were opened and squad seven began their decent throughout the, appropriately named, Forest of Death.


We traveled for an hour before I told my team what I had done. They looked dumbfounded but went along with it and so we headed as fast as we could to the centre of the forest where we would be staying until everyone else finished the exams.

It took us about half a day to arrive there, luckily without any encounters from any other teams.

Once we arrived in the tower we went into a room where there was a riddle on the wall. We soon figured it out and followed its instructions by placing the scrolls down. Once we'd done this Iruka-nii appeared. He looked at us in turn then muttered something to himself.

"Congrats squad 7, you have passed the second exam, you may go and pick a room while we wait for the time to run out." As squad seven were leaving the room Iruka-nii called me to stay behind.

We waited for them to leave the room and then Iruka turned me to face him.

"How are you Naruto? Are you okay? Have you been eating properly? Are you sleeping enough? What is going on with you and Sasuke?" Irukas motherly instincts kicked in as he began bombarding me with questions as we hadn't seen each other in a while due to missions and tight schedules.

Although it's annoying I do appreciate Iruka-nii's motherly concern as I have never had a parental figure in my life. Although I don't see Iruka as a father figure he is like a really really overprotective brother.

"Yes Iruka, I have been eating well and have been sleeping like I normally do. And Sasuke is my boyfriend." With that I gave Iruka a hug and walked to find Sasuke's room.

It wasn't hard to find as his chakra point was very prominent. He chose a room on the top floor. From what I could sense it had a pretty large floor plan and an on-suite. Sasuke was at the edge of the room and I could only assume he was gazing out of the window.

Once I got to the room I knocked on the door and Sasuke opened it for me.

There was a window seat that I sat on, which was ironic as I couldn't see the view.
Sasuke sat across from me.

"Sasuke, could you describe the view for me?" I asked.
After some shifting around from Sasuke's direction he agreed and began his description, never missing a detail. I sat myself in Sasuke's lap as he continued to see for me.

His description was so detailed that I could clearly picture his scene in my head.

"There is a great expanse of green, the trees stretch out further than the horizon, each one at least 50ft tall and booming with life. The canopy is vibrant in every shade of green that exists. The sky is grey and the clouds are thick and heavy almost like sheeps wool, they contrast the vividness of the tres. They clump together and completely block out the sun making everything look gloomy. The birds are constantly darting about over the tops of the trees and fighting with one another. From up here they look like little insects zipping about."

Sasuke continued to tell me every little detail until I had a full picture.

Once he'd finished I got off of his lap and faced him.

"Can I touch your face?" I asked and Sasuke lifted my hand to his cheek. I then began feeling every last inch of his face. His nose, his eyelids, his lips and even his hair. He sat through all of it until I decided there wasn't much more for me to feel.

It started to get late and Sasuke became tired and so we cuddled until he fell asleep. I remained awake like I do every night however tonight was different as I finally felt peaceful enough to rest my body and lower my guard.

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