Chapter 2: The aftermath

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I awoke inside of what appeared to be some sort of sewer.

A deep, demonic voice beckoned me. Calling to me in the maze of pathways.

I followed it in a half conscious trance, not having any control over my body or actions.

After I had gone through what seemed like infinite passages I finally reached a cage.

The cages doors where bronze and seemed to have no end and no beginning.

As I looked closer I noticed a large seal placed in between what looked to be its doors, sealing them shut.

I walked through the bars of the cage.

Through the dim light I saw a glowing red eye open.

I tried to run back through the bars of the cage realizing what, or who, was in front of me.

A huge, clawed paw blocked my way.

I had no chance of escaping.

"Why are you running gaki" the voice growled menacingly.

"B-because, y-you are the k-kyubi no kitsune. Y-you at-attacked the village hidden in the leaves the day I was b-born" I stuttered, completely and utterly fearing for my life.

"A-and y-you killed my p-parents" I muttered under my breath.

"Gaki, the day I attacked the village I was being controlled by a user of the sharingan, I didn't know who because he was wearing a mask. I did not want to destroy the village and I didn't want to kill your parents. Before you I was sealed inside of your mother Kushina Uzumaki. I quite liked your mother she was caring and always happy. Your father sealed me inside of you with the cost of his life to protect the village. He wanted the villagers to treat you as a hero but it seems they cannot see the difference between a sealing scroll and a kunai."

This information shocked me.

"What do you mean my father sealed you inside of me. Minato Namikaze, the fourth hokage, sealed you inside of me"
I said, confusion spreading to every part of me.

"Yes well, gaki, the fourth hokage is your father."

I was so shocked I didn't notice the huge paw lifting me so I was eye to eye with the magnificent fox, tails billowing behind it.

"W-what is y-your n-name?" I stuttered meakly.

The fox looked shocked. It was the first human emotion I had seen on the fox.

"No one has ever asked me for my name before. My name is Kurama the nine tailed fox. Gaki you need to wake up now. The third hokage needs to talk to you."

"But will we be able to talk still Kurama?"

"Of course gaki. We will be able to talk in your mindscape"

I smiled at Kurama as my vision started to blurr and fade away.

I awoke in a room.

There was a beeping noise in the corner.

I could feel wires and tubes sticking out of me.

My eyes were open but everything was dark.

I heard movement on the opposite side of the room.

"Who's there?" I rasped, barely above a whisper.

"Naruto!" I heard a shout from who I could only assume was the third hokage.

"Jiji?" I asked confused. "Why can't I see?" I asked, confusion and fear covering my features.

"They tried as hard as they could to save your eyes... But it was to late"

Memories of the attack flooded through me. I started to cry. Sarutobi tried to comfort me but I flinched away from his touch, pain searing through me due to the broken bones and internal bleedings.

It's a miracle that I'm still alive, I thought.

"Yes gaki. I have been gifted with immortality and that means that you will have the power of immortality to a certain extent"

That explains it, I thought.

"I'm so so sorry Naruto" the third hokage said sadly.

"It's ok Jiji. It's not your fault" I said hoping to cheer up the man who has protected me since birth from the onslaught of the villagers.

"Kit, I can train you if you want. I will be able to train your senses so that you will not need your eyes"

"Yes please Kurama" I replied excietedly, grinning from ear to ear.

The hokage noticed me grinning and became confused.

"Naruto, why are you smiling?" the hokage asked curiously.

"Because, Jiji, Kurama has agreed to train me"

"Who is Kurama Naruto?" the hokage asked worriedly.

"The kyubi no kitsune. Kurama was telling me about how the fourth hokage and lady Kushina were my parents. You know Jiji, Kurama is really nice."

The hokage was making wierd strangling noises and I was imagining him gaping like a fish.
The hokage was struggling for words. I giggled at the hokages struggle for words.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me. I yawned.

The hokage tucked me into the bed and wished me sweet dreams.

Then I fell asleep.


Thank you to all who have read my fanfic.

I am open to critasism any suggestions that you may have.

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