Dean Hurts Your Feelings

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     You were currently cleaning up around the house and as of lately it seemed to be the only thing you'd been doing. Jonathan had been home more often and he was messier than you could handle. He would throw his clothes and shoes on the floor, leave dirty dishes on the coffee table, and track dirt in the house with his large boots.

You sighed and continued cleaning until Jonathan appeared in front of you. "Babe, have you seen my blue hoodie?" He asked making you grit your teeth in annoyance.

"It's probably in the giant pile of clothes you have in the living room," you spat before standing up from scrubbing the tub. He scoffed and placed his hands upon surrender.

"What's gotten into you? Are you on your thingy?" He asked making you even angrier. He always blamed your bad moods on your period like a typical man.

"Stop blaming everything on my period. Maybe I wouldn't be upset if I wasn't cleaning up after a grown man rich enough to hire a maid!" You yelled out as his eyes widened.

"The least you can do his clean! I work my ass off to make sure you have everything you want while you sit in this big ass house lounging around!" He yelled back. Your own eyes widened as you stepped closer to him.

"I clean up after you, I cook for you, I do your laundry, I run the errands! Not to mention I have a job too! There is no time to lounge around!" You screamed making him pull his hair.

"You're lucky they even hired you! You can't even do your job without panicking before every show! Not to mention you looked like a slob when I first met you! You would have gone up there with sweaty pits and lipstick smeared on your face! You should be grateful that I even want to be with you!" He responded with an angry blush creeping up his back and onto his cheeks.

You stepped back and kept back the tears welling in your eyes. Grateful? You knew that the day would come when Jonathan would wake up and realize that he didn't want to be with you. You knew that he was just too good to be true. You wiped your eyes and walked passed him. You locked yourself in the bathroom and sat down on the toilet breathing in and out. You're lucky they even hired you!

You wanted to say you couldn't believe he would say the things he said but you always doubted yourself. "I knew he didn't want me. I knew it!" You whispered before choking on a sob. All your emotions were crashing down on you and you tried your hardest not let them consume you.

"Baby! Open the door! I didn't mean what I said! Just open the door!" Jonathan yelled out as he pounded on the bathroom door. You cried harder as you failed to calm yourself down.

"I'm an ass, baby. I don't deserve you. I should be the grateful one because you put up with me. Please open the door, baby. Don't believe a single thing I said. I love you," he spoke. His voiced calmed you as you wiped your face.

You decided to open the door even though you knew you would dwell on his words for a long time because you couldn't stand being away from him. However, you had to tell him how you felt.

"I know that I'm a nervous wreck half the time and a nag the other half. I know that I'll never be the smallest amount of good enough for you. I know. So you don't have to tell me. I know that my job isn't as labor intense as yours and I'm a mess. I know. So you don't have to be with me if you don't want to. I don't want to force a relationship." You revealed as he shook his head and pulled you into his chest.

"Baby, I love you. I love you so much. Don't cry. I'm not going anywhere. You are more than enough. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he rambled as he kissed all over your face.

You hugged him closer and sighed. "I love you too," you whispered. Even though his words were still racking your brain you decided to just relax and try to calm down.

If Jonathan said he loved you then you would just have to believe it. 'Jonathan loves me.' You thought before letting him kiss your forehead.


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