The Pregnancy Series | Pt. 8 | You Get Insecure About Your Body

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The Eighth Month Of Your Pregnancy

It was no secret that Colby wanted you now more than ever. He'd expressed that your pregnancy made you even more attractive to him so it was hard for him to keep his hands off  of you. Up until now you'd been loving his affection and giving in to him completely. However, since you'd entered your eight month of pregnancy you'd began to feel heavy and sloppy. You were far from it but your mind believed different. So there you were trying to come up with any little excuse so that Colby wouldn't want to do anything with you. "I'm just not feeling very well. The baby is making me a little nauseous," you tried only for him to tell you that he knew you were lying. He knew you too well. "We don't lie to each other, Y/N. Are you not in the mood?" He asked with a curious expression his face. He was so cute when he furrowed his brow. "Yes! I not in the mood," you agreed even though you knew he once again knew you were lying. "Babe, stop lying to me and tell me what's really going on," he demanded softly. You couldn't help the tears building up in your eyes as you sighed. "I'm so damn big. I have swollen ankles, my arms are so flabby, and my body is just all over the place! How could you possibly be attracted to me? A whale?" You blubbered as you finally admitted what was wrong with you. You could tell that he wanted to laugh but decided to refrain from doing so. "Sweetheart, you could be as large as a house and I'd still love you. You're pregnant with our little boy so your body is going to be a little different but it's only to keep him safe and healthy. Now as far as attraction, sweetheart, you could roll around in a pit of mud with a trash bag on and I'd still be turned on. Your appearance, even if it changes, is always going to be attractive to me. I love you for every little thing that you are including your so called flabby arms," he said as he wiped your tears away. You couldn't help but laugh through a large smile before kissing him sweetly. He was definitely the man for you and he'd be the best father ever.

"It's Bump Time, baby girl. Lay down on the bed," Joe said as he entered your bedroom. You were currently staring at your body in the full length mirror hanging on the wall. You'd felt so stuffy and just completely full. You remembered feeling this way when you'd eat large meals which made you feel fat. Combined with your own insecurities and your pregnancy hormones you just burst into tears. "No, Joseph! You don't get to have Bump Time! In case you haven't noticed I look like a damn balloon animal! You'll never see me naked again! You can just play with your own damn tummy! You and your perfect ass six pack can kiss my gigantic ass!" You snapped before breaking down into a sobbing mess. You would have laughed at his shocked expression if you weren't so sad. He immediately made his way towards you before wrapping his arms around you. It only made you cry more because he couldn't wrap you up the way he used to. Your large bump was in the way. "Hey. Hey, baby girl. Calm down," He cooed at you, "Where is all of this coming from? You look as beautiful as you did the first day I met you. Hell, if anything you look even better because you're carrying our son. Now I need you to calm down for our little boy and listen to me." You managed to halt your sobbing and just cried silently. He brought you to the bed and made you straddle him as he sat up against the headboard. "I don't want to ever hear you say anything bad about yourself again. We've gone over this more than I like to admit and baby if you can't see by now that I love you more than anything then baby girl you're blind. You look gorgeous and I love you just the way you are," he said while looking you in the eye. You nodded and sniffle before allowing him to begin 'Bump Time'. He loved you and you needed to remember that.

You were in the middle of changing your clothes when you noticed that your favorite pair of maternity panties didn't fit anymore. You suddenly began to cry and began searching through all your wardrobe for a decent pair of underwear. After you basically ransacked your entire bedroom you stood up and began sobbing. Your bottom half was completely bare so when Jonathan walked into the bedroom to see what was wrong with you his attention was brought to your rather large bum instead of the large mess of clothes scattered around the room. "Are you trying to tell me something?" He asked with a smirk him face. His expression fell though when you turned around and revealed that you were a sobbing mess. "I can't find any underwear! Nothing fits anymore! I'm such a fat ass!" You wailed. He only aloud you to cry for a few more seconds before he boldly put his hand over your mouth. You cried silent tears but stopped your whining. "Shut your mouth you gorgeous mess of a woman. Who the hell cares if you can't find any underwear? I can't find underwear half the time and you fold my clothes for me. Yes your ass is fat but I love your ass and you should love what I love because darling, your ass makes me want you all the time. In fact, it seems that fate would rather let you go nude so that I can in fact see your beautiful ass all the time! Now stop crying and let me see that beautiful smile that I like so much," he said before finally taking his hand off your mouth. You mustered a small smile which made him chuckle and pull you close. "If it's makes you feel any better I'm not wearing any underwear either," he admitted. You couldn't help but let out a laugh and be thankful for your sweetheart of a man. He'd be a great father to your daughter.

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