He Comments On Your Weight | Including The Babies | Pt. 3

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Seth: It was the middle of the night when you woke up to Colby talking to Jaxon. You could hear him from the guest bedroom. You almost smiled when you remembered why you were in the guest room. You got up and tiptoed to Jaxons nursery. Instead of going in completely you decided to listen in. "I love your mom more than anything besides you of course. Sometimes I do dumb things but I've always loved her. I said something horrible and I don't know if I can fix it. The way she looked at me broke me. It was like she was saying it's over and...I don't know if I cope with that, little guy. I don't know if I can deal with that. I'm so sorry for hurting her. I just hope that she'll take me back. I'm such a dummy sometimes. She's probably going to leave me. Oh gosh," he spoke. You saw that he was crying as he fed Jaxon the breast milk you'd pumped earlier in the day. Your heart broke as you listened to him. It was obvious that he loved you but you just hated that he'd said he wasn't attracted to you. Relationships included physical attraction and if that was something you didn't have then it would pose as an issue. You sighed and came to a conclusion. You made yourself visible to Colby who jumped at your appearance. "Hi, baby," He said while trying to wipe his tears away so you wouldn't see him crying. You cooed internally and took Jaxon from his arms. Your son had already fallen back to sleep so you put him in his crib. Colby stayed seated in the rocking chair he'd been feeding Jaxon in. You sighed and stood in front of him. "I'm not exactly sure how you'll get passed not being attracted to me but I love you, Colby. I've loved you far too long to just let you go. I don't understand why you feel the way you do but I'm willing to hear you out," you said. He looked shocked that you were willing to let him explain but decided to lead you out of Jaxon's nursery so you two wouldn't wake him up. You sat face to face at the dining room table. "First, you are the love of my life and nothing is ever going to change that. Second, what I said was careless and selfish. You gave birth to my son and I completely took it for granted. Third, if you decide to leave me for being such an ass I won't try to hold you back. I want you to be happy because I love you. You have to believe that I love you," he said with shaking hands. He wasn't the Colby you knew. He was sad and nervous. He was scared to lose you. "If you're not attracted to me how will we make love? How will you touch me if I'm not what you want?" You asked with fresh tears in your eyes. He sighed and rubbed his already red eyes, "Sweetheart, I am attracted to you. I said what I said because I noticed that you looked different but what I should have realized was that you gave up your body to give us a family. I'm a selfish asshole. I don't know how I can convince you to stay with me. I messed up really bad," he responded. You nodded and looked down your hands. "When you think about me naked does it turn you on? Do you think I'm beautiful?" You asked trying desperately to find a way to resolve this disaster. Colby chuckles and nodded his head with tears in his eyes. "You are vibrant. You're smart, you're a fantastic mother, and yes, I am attracted to you. I love you," He said. You blushed but licked your lips, "Loving someone is not the same thing as being attracted to them. How do I know you're alright with my body?" You asked. He sighed and looked you in the eye. "I'll show you right now. I'll make love to you on this very table to prove to you that you are what I want. I'll do anything to prove it to you," he said. You blushed even harder and nodded your head. In all honesty it was the only way to know. You had to know. He placed you on the table and wrapped his arms around your waist before kissing you passionately. He was gentle and fierce at the same time. You could feel his proof against your thigh so you pulled back to look him in the eye. "Don't you ever make me feel like I'm not good enough for you. I'd love you even if you went bald and you gained a thousand pounds. I'd still want you to make love to me because I'm in love with you Colby Lopez," you said while crying. He chuckled and kissed you again, "I'm in love with you too, Y/N Y/L/N." You smiled and wrapped your legs around his waist so he could pick you up and bring you to the bedroom.

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