The Pregnancy Series | Pt. 5 | You Find Out The Gender Of Your Baby

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The Fifth Month Of Your Pregnancy

     You were extremely excited as you sat in the waiting room of the doctors office with your hand gripping Colby's tightly. It was finally time to find out the gender of your baby. In all honesty you wanted a girl but you knew that you'd love your child no matter what. "Calm down, sweetheart. We're gonna find out soon," Colby told you as he kissed your cheek. You knew that he was excited as well but he was trying to hide it. You also knew that he wanted a boy more than anything but he refused to tell you that because you'd both agreed to love your baby no matter what. When the time finally came you were still holding Colby's hand while the doctor ran the ultrasound wand over your tummy. "I can't wait to start buying baby things," you smiled before Colby kissed your forehead. "Well, guys, it seems that you two are having a baby boy," the doctor revealed as she pointed to the genitals of your baby on the screen. Your eyes teared up as Colby whispered, "Yes! My little man." "He's a pretty large baby so you'll probably deliver early but otherwise your little guy is healthy and on track to a healthy arrival," the doctor assured you as she gave you a few tissues so you could clean yourself up. "You're giving me a son! A little boy of my own," Colby smiled before kissing you passionately. He'd usually do no more than a peck in public but this was a special occasion. "Our little family is going to be perfect! You're already so damn perfect and now we're going to have a perfect little boy. Things couldn't be better," he rambled as he shed a few tears.

"Did your mother get everything for the party?" You asked Joe before he nodded and rubbed more stretch mark cream onto your belly before kissing just above your belly button. "I love the idea of a gender reveal party! I can't wait to know what we're having," you continued before he agreed and put his attention on your tummy once again. He'd been pretty obsessed with your belly since you'd started showing more so having a conversation with him during 'Bump Time' was almost impossible. Meanwhile his mother was setting up the party downstairs because she was the only one who knew the gender of your baby. You both wanted it to be a surprise for delivery day but you decided to just speed up the process with a gender reveal party. "Alright, everything's ready so I want you two downstairs! People are arriving now!" His mother yelled up the stairs. Joe finished his time with your tummy and helped you downstairs. The party was full of fun party games and you were surprised to find that people had brought gifts considering you just figured you'd have a baby shower separately. "It's time to reveal what my little grand baby is going to be! Everyone please give your attention to Y/N and my Joebear!" Joe's mother announced as you and Joe stood behind a large white box with a silver question mark drawn on it. You braced yourself. "Ready, baby girl?" Joe asked before you nodded and pulled the boxed open with his help. Your guests cheered as baby blue balloons floated out of the box. You jumped up and down before Joe chuckled and stopped you reminding you that you were pregnant. "A son! My first born is going to be a son!" He smiled before placing his large hands on your bump.

You were actually going to wait until delivery to find out but unfortunately you were experiencing some complications and were now laying on a hospital bed waiting for your doctor to arrive. Jonathan held your hand as he rubbed your bump. He was trying to soothe your already distressed baby. "Hang in there, little person. You're not ready to meet us yet," be whispered as sad tears fell from your eyes. You just hoped everything would be alright. "Alright! I'm here! What seems to be the problem," the doctor asked as she walked into the small hospital room. You sniffled and explained that you'd been spotting and had experienced slight cramps earlier in the day. She opted for an ultrasound and in no time you were looking at your baby. "Well, your baby seems to be fine. It's also common to experience a little pain during pregnancy. It is also common for women to experience a period or spotting. Your little girl is fine," the doctor explained. She hadn't known you wanted it to be a surprise because you hadn't informed her yet and most likely was just too focused on your baby's health rather than the gender. You smiled and wiped your tears away before Jonathan smiled and rubbed at your bump again. "Sweet little girl, I knew you'd hang in there. Please don't scare your mom and I again," he said with a large grin on his face.

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