Chapter 8 - A Short Run

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The next morning, I rise wide awake and ready to face the day. Over the night, I've come to one realization – I was a coward.

I've been running for almost nine years, telling myself it was because I went rogue and couldn't face anyone, because I wanted a quiet life, because because because. And none of it had been true. I wasn't hiding like this because I wanted a quiet life, I was doing it because I afraid. And now that I'd had time to confront that little fact, I couldn't let it go.

I am an ancient and powerful being when I feel like it. A group of measly witches and warlocks isn't going to take away the chance at my family being happy again. And Sereya is a bit on the weak side at the moment. Which leaves only one option.

When Rose comes to get me, I give a tight smile and follow two steps behind in a show of deference to her rank that I'm not feeling. Wolves, so stuck on their silly little hierarchy.

She kindly leads me up to the top floor where Camden, April, and Sereya are already having a large breakfast. The tension in Camden is gone, though I hadn't noticed it consciously yesterday. Clearly, the idea of being free for a night was something he'd needed though I have no doubt he spent a large chunk of time wondering if Sereya was alright. Or if I was trustworthy. But none of that concerns me because I'd had a glorious night's sleep. Which was a bit surprising honestly, given where I'd been last night.

April pushes her plate away with a sneer when she sees me but I try not to take it to personally, not my fault she has poor taste. Camden doesn't look at me but pushes a full plate toward me but his eyes never leaving the steak and eggs he's devouring.

Sereya cuts careful pieces of her hashbrowns and delicately eats them – a trait she got from her mother. Cats, always so delicate with their claws. I don't quite manage to smother my laugh and April growls at me.

"What do you find so funny?"

"I find it mildly comedic that Sereya is being raised by wolves though she is in no way related to any canine species," I say before diving into my meal.

April doesn't want to let it go but the look Camden flashes her clearly tells her to knock it off.

"Any chance you can stick around so I can go for a run this morning?" Camden asks, still without looking at me.

"What do you do normally? You can't leave Sereya to run outside."

"I have a treadmill." He scowls and I manage to contain my snort this time and reply only with a smile into my food.

"Sereya and I will run with you."

"I want to run." He finally pauses eating to look at me. I think he's finished his second plate since I've been here.

"I understand that. But let me let you in on a little secret," I lean across the island and get in his face before putting on a patronizing expression. "We can keep up."

He scoffs. "I know you can but she's just a human. She can't shift."

"I don't shift either. We can keep up in our human form just fine, trust me. If you don't, ask Waters and Collins. I almost gave them the slip in my human form the other day." I rock back over my own plate and finish the contents. Only one plate for me.

"Whatever." He shoots me a glare before polishing off one last plate. Finally, he looks up and sighs. "Let's go then. Maia, change into some running clothes. April, keep an eye on them."

"Yes, boss." April practically salutes the man before turning to put her eyes on me. She then proceeds to try not to blink in case I do something stupid.

I almost want to try something just to mess with her but decide against it. This is the little time I have with my niece. Probably a bad idea to get locked up because I bothered April.

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