Chapter 12 - Antagonistic Relationships

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The next morning I slip out with the dawn and wander through the woods until I find Waters standing guard. He's got his hand on his holster and the radio on his hip is softly chirping when I appear by his shoulder but, to his credit, he doesn't jump .

"You're out of practice," he huffs. "I heard you a mile away."

"Eh, I doubt any of your dogs could do much better," I sniff knowing he's jesting. I'd broken a few branches as I approached the clearing so as not to get shot if I shocked him. And then the great waiting game begins.

"What do you want, Rutledge?" He finally asks after we've stood in silence longer than he's comfortable with.

"I want to run to work instead of drive this morning. When do you get off duty so you can accompany me?"

"Sorry, we've got orders that April's the one to escort you from here on out." He gives me a pitying glance as I mash my teeth. I really don't like that woman.

"Fine. I guess I'll go wake her up then." My frown doesn't quite make it to my face as I realize this means dragging her out of bed.

"Don't get yourself killed when you do. I hear she's one of the top officers at Enforcement in hand to hand combat."

Great, yet another Enforcer. I bet she and Cam worked together there too which means that whenever I see Sereya I'm going to have to see April too. That sucks.

"Thanks for the warning." I wave over my shoulder in farewell and his chuckle follows me and doesn't bode well. As much as I dislike the woman I can't exactly injure her here which one, is annoying and two, doesn't leave me many options.

The sun is just peaking up over the tree tops when I make it into the house. I walk past the guards who glare at me suspiciously and wander up the stairs to April's room which is located across the hall from Sereya's.

I don't bother to wait for a response to my knock. April rolls over in bed and bolts up when she sees a body in the doorway, hand flying to what I assume is the knife she keeps under her pillow.

"I hear you've assigned yourself to me. I'm running to work instead of driving and I'm leaving in half an hour with or without you." I give an bright grin and slam the door as I exit.

When a thump indicates she's thrown her dagger at the door I laugh. Camden peaks out of his room and snarls when he sees me.

"Relax, Cam, I came to wake April, not steal Sereya from under your nose." I walk past him, ignoring the growl, and into the kitchen. My nose helps me scavenge a large breakfast of eggs and some bacon and I've downed my food when April walks out, followed by a glowering Camden.

"Better hurry if you want to eat." I move around the counter to allow her to find her own food and sit on a bar stool. Camden sidles up next to me and grabs the seat on my right. He leans forward onto the counter and his face makes a few twitches before he turns to me.

"She's my daughter in every way that counts." His voice is low enough that I doubt April can make out the particulars.

"I know. It rips my heart up to say it, but I know." I reply in the same tone, needing this private moment with Camden.

"You can't take her."

"I won't." I correct him, though I'm not sure he catches the difference.

"We've got a Pack hunt tonight and then we're leaving tomorrow. If you want time to say goodbye do it before then." He stands and gives me a nod before walking back to his room.

"You sure don't make it easy on him." April glares at me over the coffee she must have prepared.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was supposed to make his life easy," I snap back. "I rather thought my concern was supposed to be for Sereya."

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