Chapter 31 - An Unexpected Break

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Sereya waits until we're back in the little room off the wolf precinct to start yelling at me.

"How could you!"

My anger has settled to a low simmer so I walk calmly to my chair. I turn it to face her and sit, crossing my right ankle over my left knee.

"I haven't been a child for a very long time, so please explain to me what you are upset about." I know my emotionless words only flame her anger higher, but I'm worried that if I express myself even a little my own fury will reignite.

She glares and stomps over to stand in front of me. "You embarrassed me by stepping in.  You butting in only made it worse. They will never let me forget that you had to save me!"

I snort. "Like they would ever let you forget that he was forcing you to expose your neck. He was five seconds away from calling his friends' attention and biting you. He broke the rules, you didn't call out, and your teacher couldn't be bothered to keep an eye on you. Mistakes were made by all."

"Do you include yourself in that statement? I don't remember hearing what you did wrong," She snipes back.

I fight back a smile. "I made a mistake by not asking you earlier why you weren't happy to do combat training. Camden told me you liked it but it was clear you were unhappy. How many times has this happened before?"

And just like that my mood tanks again.

"Not a lot." She tries to scowl at me but starts shifting her weight between her feet.

"Don't lie to me, young lady. That boy is a bad seed and I know it." I glare at her until she scrunches up her nose.

There's a beat, and then she deflates before my eyes.

"Jayav is the son of one of the Captain Majors so he never gets in trouble. But it isn't just him. All the shifters make fun of me because I can't shift and need to have a babysitter," Her face twists on the word. "And then all the mages hate me because I'm a shifter."

"One problem at a time, kitten. Let's start with Jayav. He got the drop on you but that felt much more personal than a simple defeat. What happened between you?"

She nudges her right foot against a tile. "He made fun of me, we sparred, and I won in front of all his friends. He hated that.  The next time we sparred he grabbed my hair and yanked so hard I got whiplash so now he always goes for my hair. I tried putting it in a bun, but that just gives him a better grip. My best bet is to go in fast before he can catch me, but if we're sparring and we have to go multiple times there's no way I can dodge all of them."

"Alright, that's an easy fix. I've got just the thing for you. It's in my bag at home but I can solve all your hair pulling problems." I give a soft smile and stand.

I place my hands on her shoulders. "I've just got one last question. Camden, he's always there for these. What does he do?"

"He always brings work and doesn't really notice." She winces. "He says he can't watch it."

Normally, I'd be ready to rip Camden open for not noticing Maia getting bullied, but given my own reaction to her sparring even with an even partner I understand. Watching Maia fight every weekend would have me pulling out my hair or beating up helpless kids.

I sigh but nod. We both take our seats, and Maia pulls out her notebook and slowly starts writing. I'm not sure if she's doing homework or just doodling so we don't have to talk, but it's better than our earlier anger.

We haven't been seated long when Teacher strolls in. Today he wears a white button down that shows his frame to be slender and graceful with suspenders and a red bow tie. He instantly raises an eyebrow at the tension in the room.

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