Chapter 4 - My Pack is Gone

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I wake ten hours later with my alarm and can't be bothered to turn it off so Felix does it for me. He then grabs my cell phone with his teeth and drags it to my side. I pick it up and call Paint and Build, leaving a message for Margret when she gets in.

"Hey, Mags, it's Eve. I'm calling to say that I can't come in today. Sorry for the late notice, but I really can't get out of bed right now. Tell me if there's anything I can do to make it up to you." I hang up before I start to get teary. And then I lay there for what seems like hours.

I'd been dreading this day for a few weeks now and it was unfortunate that I moved so close to the date but I couldn't stand to spend another anniversary in my last apartment. There, I had lived with one other roommate who, while nice, was not my friend and it had grated on me to be a sniveling mess in front of her. When she had asked what was wrong I brushed her off and that had been the end of that burgeoning friendship. We were simply civil after that, but never too interested in the other's life.

This time, I have only Felix to keep me company and dare I say it could have been much worse. He lays with me and licks my face and overall lets me know he loves me. What more can a girl ask for?

At three in the afternoon a knock sounds at my door and I force myself to rise and shuffle to it. Luckily I'd work sweats to bed in preparation for today so the effort was minimal. Waters stands worriedly outside when I finally flip the lock. As I look, he knocks loudly again.

"Eve? Eve, are you in there?"

Great, now I have to let him in.

"Yes, just a moment." I unlock the door with a sigh and open it so he can see me.

"Are you alright? You look awful." His voice is soft.

"Just a little under the weather. May I ask why you are here?" Tired. I'm so tired. I sag against the door.

"I stopped by the Paint and Build but Margret said you hadn't been in and were sick. So, I figured I should stop by to make sure we hadn't scared you off." He trails off.

"You were worried I'd made a run for it." My voice is flat and I find it hard to care that much as I wallow in the emotions this day always brings.

He shrugs and I find it truly annoying.

"Well, as you can see I have not. Good day, sir." I snap and slam the door in his face.

Aaaand there's the anger, the other side of this lovely equation.

"Eve, what's wrong?" He calls through the door and it annoys me that he won't leave me be.

"Nothing! You don't know me well enough to know that this isn't my normal state!" I yell back.

"You're right, but Eve you don't look well. And that attitude of yours is gone. What's wrong?" He asks me gently.

"Nothing! Go away!" I stomp back to my room and slam that door too.

His knocking pervades for an hour before it leaves me in peace. Felix, however, refuses to return to me. When he finally jumps back on the bed I find myself being nudged, head butted, and pawed at until I roll off.

"What?" I growl at him, but he ignores me to jump on the window sill. I notice the day for the first time. A beautiful blue sky with nary a cloud in sight greets me and a soft breeze sets the grass to waving ever so slightly. He simply looks back at me.

"Fine, you stubborn thing. I'll go out." I quickly dress in a set of quick dry cargo pants and a fitted shirt. Layered with a sweatshirt for the cool mountains, I prepare for the slightly colder weather that comes with the increase in altitude. I grab my small pack and throw in rain gear, water, and food. I'm a bit surprised I manage but I'm running on spite at Felix at the moment.

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