Chapter 11 - What Could be a Friend

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He gives a small yip and jogs to catch up. "I just need a few answers and then they'll be back."

I smile smugly.

"Where did you come from?"

"A bit of here, a bit of there. I haven't really called one place home for a while but especially the past eight years. I'm the one who destroyed the building where Camden found Maia. Since then I've been on the run from those people."

"Are they the ones who put out the call? Do they want Maia too?"

"Probably and definitely, to answer your questions in order."


"That answer would take longer than we have time for. Let me sum it up by saying it's a long feud of ideology between those people and people like myself and her father. They want us dead, we just wanted to live in peace. The last while though, they've been more about capture and conquest than death." I feel my talons lengthen as I clench my hands, the bite of nail into my flesh grounding me.

"They kept us for a few months before they killed her parents and they used me until I forgot I was human. I watched Sereya die as they tried to break me and instead they broke the only thing that kept me human. I destroyed the building and every one of them I could get my claws on and no one could stop me. Clearly, Sereya wasn't dead, but still."

"So you went a bit crazy last time you lost her?" He tries to play it off as casual.

"Don't worry, I won't when they leave. This is different. I've had time to come to terms with her leaving and the fact that she's loved and well cared for helps. I won't fight Camden for her so you can tell him to relax."

He ignores me.

"What next? You destroy the facility, leaving Camden to find Maia and then what? You clearly didn't stick around."

"I lived in my animal form for a while and joined up with a group of reformed rogues but when they figured out how strong I was they got scared and kicked me out. They were worried about me forcing them into a Pack, as laughable as that sounds given my current stance."

"Just how strong are you?" He asks in a curious manner, not a probing one, not because he's afraid or worried. It's different. So, I take my time and think through my answer instead of just responding flippantly.

"I can stand toe to toe with Rose and not worry that she will order me to do anything." I answer slowly. It's a fairly vague answer as there are many ways to avoid having an Alpha order you around that don't all have to do with natural dominance, but my point is clear. I'm stronger than everyone in this pack.

"And Camden and April? They're even stronger."

"Camden has a difficult time forcing Maia to behave but I was able to order her to change this morning fairly easily." I shrug. "I don't know why."

That parts not quite true, I know the biggest reason - I'm damn strong - but there are other possibilities: we're the same species which gives me more resonance, I'm related so in the familial hierarchy I'm given more power, etc. the list goes on. But, since it's partially true, Max doesn't smell my lie or call me out on it.

He accepts it and switches tactics. "So after you got kicked out of the rogue group where'd you go?"

"I met a guy but he couldn't keep up with my way of life. He also got a bit mad when he found out I wasn't a cougar and left in a huff."

"So, you're not a cougar or a wolf. The list grows smaller!"

"Funny." I roll my eyes at him with a laugh.

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