Excerpt 1 - The Beginning

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Chapter 1 - The World Begins

In the beginning there was darkness and magic. Those two forces are the only ones that are present in every moment of this world from its very beginning to what we can only assume to be its end. For even in the sun there are shadows and even in the magic deaf there is power.

When magic gathered in the darkness in a mysterious way for a mysterious reason, it cast the first spell all by itself and that spell created a place called Avalon. It was full of rolling hills where every crest was a different color of grass or herb or tree. Rocks, hard as diamonds and filled with every color of the sun or softer than cotton and made of starlight, formed the base for this world.

But, Avalon was empty. There was no wind, there was no sun, there was no life. It simply was.

Until magic once more gathered in a mysterious way for a mysterious reason, and the first life was born. His name was Arthur and as the first, he explored Avalon alone. He discovered fire and flew it to the sky to give us light, not a sun like there is on Earth simply light in the day, but most importantly he discovered how to use the first form of magic.

How, you may ask, does one who does not know of magic learn to use it? Simple.

Unlike today, magic simply was. It was as constant as breathing or blinking. It was as innate as taking your first step to cast your first spell. And Arthur's first spell was a very important one. Though to call it a spell is like calling your house cat a lion.

Arthur did not cast a spell by drawing runes or chanting an incantation. No. He cast a spell by casting a wish. He returned to the place where he had first appeared and he wished to not be alone. And magic, for the first time, had someone to listen to. Someone to heed.

And so this mysterious power answered his call and his wish. It granted the trees and grass the ability to grow and wind the ability to blow. Clouds whiter than milk filled the sky and rain took turns with snow to create changing seasons.

For some time, this was enough for Arthur. It was enough to explore and see the world change and learn how he could change it himself. Moving a rock onto the grass and then removing it now caused the grass to turn brown from its normal gem tone state. And it wouldn't return to it's original color until the next rainy season. But eventually, even this learning grew boring.

So Arthur returned to his spot and he wished even harder to not be alone. And as he did so, the magic again answered his call and next to him appeared a brother, Mordreth, similar to Arthur but not a perfect reflection.

They lived and they wished and soon, there were thirteen more beings at Arthur's side. These would become his Knights, their job would later be to defend him, to create the rules that would govern Avalon, and to lead the people when he was elsewhere.

But the next time, rather than Arthur wishing alone, they all wished for the same thing at the same time, and hundreds of beings appeared. These would become the First People. They would love and have children and care for Avalon for thousands of years.

Though reluctant, the Knights convinced Arthur to take the mantle of King and leader as he was the first among them; the one to wish for their appearance. And so Arthur took responsibility for not only his people's creation but also their future.

And so became the First Age, with Arthur, Modreth, and his Knights to care for his people and the world.

"Cam, is that what magic is? A wish?"

April shook her head and sent Camden a worried look. "We should probably read the book before you get any further."

"Agreed. Maia, pass the book to April please. You'll get it back once we finish."

With a sigh, Maia did as she was told.

"Now, onto homework!" Camden forced a happy tone. Grumbling, Maia shuffled her things and pulled out her math notebook.

The magic book was just so much more interesting! She'd have to find a way to get it back...


Hmmmm... What an interesting book for Eve to leave her niece... There were a few hints dropped in the past two chapters. Did anyone catch them?

Back to posting every other week so I'll have to leave you in suspense a bit longer. If you just can't wait and wish I had more time to write hit that star button to send me some motivation!


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