Chapter 10 - Trust Issues

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I'm thwarted in my plans for sleep when Sheriff Waters blocks my path.

"Let's go, Eve. I'm going to take you to your apartment and you can grab some stuff and your cat before we head back."

"How about, no?" I shoot back. That sounded an awful lot like a sneaky way to move me into the pack house so I could be kept under a watchful eye.

"Alpha's orders. You'll be staying here for a while."

Yep, that's exactly what it was.

"My answer's still the same. No. I stayed last night because I needed to be close to Sereya and I'll stay here on and off for as long as she's here but I have a nice, comfy, private apartment in town and I plan on keeping it. You can drop me off there for a few days or I can stay here and you can furnish me in the Pack clothes. Final offer."

"This isn't a negotiation," He glares down at me.

"Do as ordered, Eve," A female voice says behind me and I turn to see a still mad Rose.

"I'm not part of your pack, Rose." I disrespect her on purpose and watch her jaw clench in response with a secret twinge of glee.

"You will be staying here for as long as the Liaisons are here so go get your things."

"I have a job and I can't keep missing days because you don't trust me - I do need to get paid. I swore to keep your Pack's secrets and that's all you're getting from me. Sic your Sheriff and Deputy on me if you want but I have a life and you can't keep me from it."

"Go home, pack clothes, come back. You will stay with us until the Liaisons leave which should be in a day or two."

"As long as someone takes me into town during the day so I can work. Margret is already worried and I thought you didn't want to draw attention from the human inhabitants in these parts?" I needle.

"Fine, you can go into town for part of the day to work, but that's it." She puts her hands on her hips and I realize that's probably as good as I'm going to get without bringing dominance into it.

"I'll stay here a maximum of five days before I go back to town, Liaisons or no." I turn and walk out before she can respond. The Sheriff is right on my heels but doesn't say a word as we get in his patrol car and head into town.

Camden glares at me as we drive away but I ignore him. It's a quick turn around once we reach my apartment as I throw a few changes of clothes in a duffel and grab my laptop so I can work during my down time. A few weapons and I'm all set. I leave Felix with a big bowl of food, water, an open window, and loving words.

"See you later, bud!" I kiss his head and shut the door behind me. "Let's go, Sheriff!" I walk past the man lounging on the wall next to my door. I'd refused point blank to have him in my apartment again.

"Did you pack running clothes? The Liaisons will probably want the Pack to go on a run before they leave."

"I don't go on Pack runs. I'll stay home with some warriors and Sereya so Camden can go." I slam my car door. "We have to stop by the Paint and Build so I can check in on Margret. She's probably freaking out since I haven't been able to call her or get her messages."

He just nods. It's a short drive and I hop out without waiting for him, bustling in to see Margret standing bored at the counter.

"EVE! Where have you been? I was worried when I didn't hear from you this morning!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I might have to take a few day off, but don't worry it's all been approved by the owner. I should be back shortly. I'm trying to get in to work at least a little bit every day but no promises." I give her a hug, she seems like the type to be reassured by that sort of thing.

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