Excerpt 2 - On Change

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(Sorry guys, went on a small summer vacation but I'm back! Things are crazy with work for the next two months so I'll try my best to keep to my every other week posts!)

Two months later

Camden slammed down the cellphone on the stone kitchen counter and growled. Maia, her hearing more astute than any child's should be, sprinted out of her room to gape at him.

"What's wrong?"


She narrowed her eyes at him. "Cam, tell me what's wrong." She wheedled.

Heaving a sigh, he gave in. "I can't find your aunt. We've got a raid coming up soon and I need her to come keep an eye on you."

If he didn't find Eve, then he wouldn't be able to lead the raid. He'd put hours of thought into each and every detail and he didn't want anyone else to be the one to see it through.

"But I always go with you." Maia's brow furled. 

"Not this time. It's too dangerous for you. The mission date was set today and I can't find Eve." He ground his teeth as he watched Maia.

She bit her lip and toed the ground. "I could always call her..."

"I don't want you worried about this. I thought she'd be a little easier to track down." He frowned. "Anyways, it's late and you should be getting ready for bed."

Maia stayed where she was. "Ummm, could we maybe read Eve's story tonight?" She widened her eyes and pleaded.

He held out for less than ten seconds. She was just too good at pulling a sad face for her own good. Even at fourteen he couldn't resist when she pouted at him.

"Fine. Go get ready for bed and I'll fetch it. The sixth chapter should be fine."

"YES!" She gave a little jump before charging back into her room to get ready for bed.

Camden walked into his room and grabbed the book from his nightstand before walking across the living room and into Maia's room. She'd already changed and hopped into bed.

He gave her a stern glance. "Did you brush your teeth?"

She wrinkled her nose but hopped up and jogged to the bathroom to brush her teeth. He heard the water turn on and then off.

"I mean REALLY brush them, Maia!" He called. He heard her growl and smirked.

A few minutes later she turned off the bathroom light and crawled back into bed.

"Done!" She opened her mouth wide and blew a big breath.

"Very minty. Alright. You read the last chapter to me so I'll read this one to you. Sound good?"

"Yep!" She snuggled down in her blankets, pulling them up to her chin. Camden stood, turned on her lamp and the main light off, then sat on her bed to open the book.

Chapter 6-  On Change

The only thing certain in this world is change. Even when one is standing still the earth beneath your feet is swirling through space. In Avalon it is similar for Avalon is built on a sea of magic so even if you stand still your relationship to the magic around you is constantly changing.

Importantly, no matter who would have you believe otherwise, magic itself is inherently change. When you perform magic you create change in the state of the world, in the way power flows and behaves. So it would be silly to believe a power that causes change would be immune from change itself.

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