Authors Notes

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Hey everyone! I hoped you enjoyed reading A Knight's Purpose as much as I did writing it, which is to say a whole lot!

This book obviously ends on a cliff hanger and there will be a second book. Dun dun dun! But, I haven't started on it yet. When I do I'll post here or make an announcement (but probably both...). I'm actually writing another book, Night Witch, right now so if you're looking for something to bide time with hit that up!

I'll be sure to let you know once that's finished and I'm back to the world of A Knight's Purpose. I'm also planning on doing editing on the first book some time in the future so be on the lookout for that - there might be like a million updates and I apologise ahead of time. That being said, I'd love your feedback about what you loved, what you hated, the plot hole I'm too invested to see, that one sentence you still can't understand... Anything (about the book) you want to say (respectfully) I want to hear!

That's all for now!


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