Chapter 38 - On a Blade's Edge

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We enter the stone castle once more but this time I turn right and head down a small hallway to a room that sits adjacent to the ballroom where Arthur had slept. The door is completely missing but surprisingly the interior of the room remains untouched. The roof has yet to cave in but the wall to the right has partially collapsed leaving a hole through which I can see the grass flowing in the gentle breeze.

Arthur, who's now peering over my shoulder having let me take the lead back through the building, drops his chin on my shoulder with a sigh. "I never thought to see them like this, so alone."

Before us the smooth stone floor has been interrupted by a craggy boulder that takes up the width of the room. In the very center a pure black sword with a golden hilt stands embedded at the highest point. Seven swords surround it.

He wraps an arm around my waist and I lift a hand to squeeze it, unable to take another step forward. We'd left them here after we'd decided that standing guard over Arthur would have to come second to the goals he'd left with us. So, we'd left the blades which were far more advanced than those the humans had at that time behind and sealed Arthur inside.

Not to mention the extreme magical power that had been literally forged into each sword. If any had fallen into the wrong hands the world itself would have trembled.

Arthur gives me a slight shove to break me out of my trance. "You go first, Eve."

Taking a shaky breath, I move out of his hold and walk forward to stand before the large stone and the blade two to the left of Arthur's. The rock rises almost straight from the ground to the height of my hip before rising in a craggy surface. My hand gently touches the stone where the blade between mine and Arthur's lay as I say a soft prayer to remember Darnure.

His blade is different from the rest, though none of our blades were identical as each blade was forged specifically for its wielder. The curve of his blade is clearly evident while the other blades here were all straight and dual edged. Dan's blade was a Falchion with a distinctive secondary curve near the tip of the cutting edge which allowed excellent capture and parry of an opponents blade.

I jump up and land lightly on the top face of the stone and take a step forward to grasp the silver steel hilt of my own blade. The leather that wraps the silver hilt warms instantly under my touch, no cracking or stiffness even though it's been out of my care for thousands of years. The guard is etched with wings, each feather carefully outlined. A large emerald is mounted in the pommel with an impurity running down the center which makes it reminiscent of the eyes of a cat... or a dragon.

As I start to lift the blade, it resists and my heart leaps to my chest. Perhaps reaffirming myself to Arthur as his Knight wasn't enough? Am I still not worthy?

I release my breath in a rush as the steel releases and slips from the stone smooth as butter. A soft power thrums beneath my palm and I search it out. "Valkyrie, Blade of Hope, I, Gwendolyn Vashjior, reclaim thee. Lend me your power and your loyalty and I shall bear you in battle to bring forth a land of peace once more."  

The warm rush of magic rose from the blade in a rush, surrounding my hand and rushing up to cushion my body in a wave of welcome. My eyes fly open, I'm unaware they've closed in the euphoria that comes with the wave, to find I'm surrounded by a bright emerald glow that's strongest surrounding my sword, Valkerie.

I relax her to my side and the power withdraws, returning to its source after what I would term a joyful greeting of its former master. Careful to keep the point from drifting too close to the ground, I turn and hop off the rock, aware I'm still surrounded by emerald sparks of magic that has yet to completely dissipate. I'm wired as if I've just had the most potent form of caffeine that's ever been invented which probably explains why I 'm grinning like a fool as I approach Arthur.

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