Chapter 27 - Young is Relative, Just like Magic

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I smile at Fawn and hand her the paper I've written the spell on.

"I got this from a friend who hasn't been able to translate the writing." Well, not really a friend but close enough.

Fawn takes the paper and blinks large blue eyes at it, magnified by her strong prescription. Her brow furrows as she scans it.

"This appears to be Aramaic but it is an unusual dialect. I don't think I've ever seen some of these words before."

Without looking up from the paper she makes a come hither motion with her left hand and a book pulls itself from a stack near the wall and flies into her palm. Sereya jerks as the book flies by.

As Fawn sets the book on the table and moves her hand in a sweeping motion, the book falls open and the pages ruffle until she stops. She finally looks at the book and places a finger on a passage to start reading.

I turn back to Teacher. "Want to explain what just happened?"

Fawn doesn't even notice us talking, engrossed in the translation.

"Ah, yes. Maia, can you classify the magic you just saw?" Teacher comes to stand behind her while she spins her stool around to face him.

She shakes her head.

"Very well, there are many ways to control magic. The type that Ms. Fawn has been demonstrating is when you tie magic to a physical action that is mirrored. When she waved for the book to come the magic identified the book she was thinking about and brought it to her."

Maia nods. "So when she waved her hand the magic understood she wanted the book to open and pages to move in the direction she moved her hand."

"Precisely. Now, there are other types of magic but most mages can only use one. A witch can conceivably use multiple since it depends on the spell they cast, but they can't generally use spells that require them to tether magic to their body. Can you extrapolate why?" He pushes the glasses sitting on his nose slightly as he waits for her response.

She takes a moment before answering. "A witch can only use power that comes from the world around them and funnel it through an object that isn't their body. To funnel magic through an object yet still tether it to yourself would be counter intuitive. Does that mean that rather than waving a hand they could wave a wand or staff and accomplish the same thing? As long as it wasn't their body?"

Her gaze stays on Teacher as he smiles.


I turn back to watch Fawn and find her looking at them curiously. Maybe she wasn't so preoccupied after all.

"You're teaching her about magic?"

Maia whirls to face her, blushing. "I'm a shifter so I can't learn magic."

"We are teaching her the principles." Teacher nods. "It is important to be aware of what she would face should a magician ever accost her."

Fawn looks at me. "And you?"

She isn't accusing, her tone completely curious. Yet, I have to tread carefully.

"I know the principles of magic. That's why I took that spell from my friend. It was from some dangerous people and we're trying to figure out what they wanted to do." I decide that's a full enough answer.

She nods slowly and then goes back to reading.

Teacher turns to me. "So you did read the runes on the scanner."

He states this as fact but I nod anyways.

"Where did you learn them? I can't imagine anyone was excited to teacher a shifter magic."

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