Chapter 18 - Grudges

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I stay seated when Rose saunters into the room flanked by Max and another, much taller man who I assume is third in command.

She comes to stand before me and glares down.

"You," She snarls.

"Me," I chorus back in a singsong voice. "Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. Sorry to disappoint."

Her hand flashes for my throat and I lean to the side so it hits the back of the chair as she misses. I leap to my feet in a smooth motion and we're nose to nose. Except she's a few inches taller than me so we're more like nose to chin. Whatever.

"How dare you come sneaking back!"

"How dare you try to keep me prisoner in the first place!" I fire back.

Her eyes narrow. "How did you get in?"

"I'll tell you about the teeny tiny gap in your security if you agree to take the kid seriously." I narrow my eyes at her and she rears back as if slapped.

"You disgust me. The child was never the focus of my anger."

Ah yes, the eternal family motivation of wolves. Most dogs actually. They'd adopt anything that so much as looked pitiful in their eternal desire for family. It was one of the reasons I'd decided to bring Eavan to the Heartford Vale Pack rather than anywhere else.

"Listen, Rose, you clearly still feel anger towards me and I understand. I slipped out from under your guard and then I got past your security with a kid in tow and showed up at your door. Not exactly the best guest behavior, but listen I was never part of your pack. I've got more important things to do than stroke your ego so please, deal with the kid and I'll be out of your hair."

Her eyes are still narrowed at me but she finally tsks and pulls back. Once I'm not the center of attention I watch Rose approach Eavan and kneel before her with a serene appearance.

"What's your name?"

A pause but Eavan can't keep eye contact. As her eyes dart to Rose's ear she answers, "Eavan."

"Last name?"

This time a stubborn set of her chin and no answer.

"Where is your family Eavan?" I've never heard Rose's voice so kind, not even when she addressed her pack. It seems to reach in your chest and make you like her.

"She killed my dad." If Eavan's gaze could kill I'd be dead a million times over. Rose whirls on me.

"What? You're bringing her here because you killed her family? How dare you!"

Yep, Eavan's as good as pack if Rose reacts that quickly.

"I don't know who her father is, but the only people I killed were Iron Claw."

Rose sucks in a breath.

"Max told me you'd heard about them even out here so you'll understand when I say they deserved to die. I didn't kill any shifters and they didn't have anyone locked up. Eavan here is the only civilian we found."

Rose watches me carefully before turning to kneel in front of Eavan again.

"And your mother?"


"An orphan then. Eavan, will you shift for me?" It's barely phrased as a question.

The kid eyes her cautiously before nodding.

"Excellent. Go ahead." Rose moves back to give her space.

Taking a deep breath, Eavan closes her eyes and her form melts. She folds down to all fours and fur emerges. Three breaths later and a brilliant red wolf pup wrestles its way free from Eavan's clothes.

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