Chapter 26 - Hippies with Man Buns

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Just past the elevators there's a hall on the left to the other half of the building that ends in a set of metal double doors. That's not creepy at all...

I walk up to the doors and give the handle on the right a tug but it doesn't budge. I frown at it and try again.

Teacher coughs. "I believe you need to scan your badge."

He points a thin finger at a small black pad that's set into the wall on the right. I go over to squint at it, leaning down as I inspect it for spells. Sure enough, along the bottom of the pad is a set of five runes.

It doesn't take more than a glance to ascertain what they're for so I stand and pull my badge from my collar to beep. There's no crime in wanting to keep track of who was entering a building. I'd go along for now.

When a soft chime is released I let the badge go and it zips back along the retractable string to sit lightly against my left collarbone where it hangs from my shirt. This time when I tug on the door it opens.

"Alright, you two. Beep and then we'll go." I wait until they've both walked over to scan their badges before walking through.

Sereya glues herself to my right side, practically tripping over my feet as we walk. Teacher ambles behind us but stays close. When we reach the end of the hall I pause.

Shrugging, I turn left. This side of the building should be similar to a mirror image of the shifter side which means an open area and office should be in this direction. Sure enough, we pass the elevators and emerge into a large open space.

But this side is nothing like the side we just left. I feel my eyebrows raise as I take in the modern layout compared to the old time police feel of the other side.

The floor is a dark wood while there are brightly colored couches filling the space with a coffee stand set up against one wall. The offices are all filled with bookshelves and sleek glass desks. I spin in a slow circle to take it all in and when I face forward again there's a man striding towards us.

He's tall, dressed in all black business casual, and has the sides of his head shaved with the top pulled back into a... bun? Yep, he's rocking the man bun. Guess some magicians didn't kick the hippy vibe.

Sereya shrinks against me as he frowns at us over his coffee mug.

"Who are you?"

Teacher clears his throat and steps forward before I say anything. "This is my pupil, Maia Downs, and her aunt. I'm teaching her the history of magic and decided a field trip was in order. Her aunt, Ms. Eve, has a spell she's looking to get translated and offered us an opportunity to visit."

Very eloquent. And a hell of a lot more polite than what I was about to say.

The man doesn't stop frowning at us. "Follow me." He walks away.

"But you don't know what we need translated yet," I argue. He stops and turns to glare over his shoulder at me.

Feeling Sereya shrink even further against me, I sigh and this time I follow behind him when he starts walking again. The long hall is decorated with green pictures hung between every office door.

Approximately even with where the Captain Major has his office, our guide stops and knocks on the only office with a closed door. He mutters softly through the wood.

"Come in!" A strong female voice orders.

The man opens the door and ushers us in before joining us. He shuts the door and leans casually against the wall.

A large black desk dominates the space, a smattering of blue flecks decorating it's surface. A woman, dark skin with black hair braided tall like a turban is writing determinedly at the desk. Across from her are two red chairs which remind me more of living room chairs than what I'd expect of an office. A small red coffee machine sits to the right of the desk and abstract artwork in bright colors covers the wall.

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