Chapter 33 - Girls Day In

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When we reach Camden's small apartment, April joins us not seeming to want me alone with Maia. I roll my eyes but don't argue.

I get them both settled on the couch with a movie turned on and then go rifle through the kitchen. Mumbling to myself I try to find enough ingredients for a simple dinner. I settle on pasta and pour what appears to be a good amount of spaghetti into a pot of boiling water.

I find a can of marinara sauce and throw that and some chopped veggies in a pan to heat. When the pasta is done I add the sauce and mix it. Turns out I made enough for a small army but hey, I've never met a person who could accurately measure pasta. 

I give Maia and April their bowls, which earns me a suspicious look from April and a "Camden never lets us eat on the couch," from Maia which I tell her to ignore. I pour the rest into a Tupperware and shove it in the fridge.

After serving myself, I wash the dishes and put away our lunch boxes, which April had grabbed after we stormed out of the courtyard. Finally satisfied, I grab my bowl and settle on the corner of the couch not occupied by April leaving Maia as a nice buffer between us. Felix jumps up to curl on my lap so I absentmindedly pet him between bites.

A strange itch starts in the back of my mind but I can't place it. It bothers me for a few moments but eventually I just ignore it.

We just sit, watching movies until long past sunset. The dark wraps us in warm arms like a comforting blanket, interrupted only by the microwave light as I zap some marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate to make bastardized s'mores. April just shrugs as she accepts it but Maia falls on hers hungrily.

Cats never truly appreciate sweets, even in human form. It's one of the reasons I make it a rule to never accept dessert from one of them.

As Maia's head begins to droop, April helps me shoo her into bed. When we're alone she turns to glare at me. Both of us can see well enough in the dark that we don't bother with the lights.

"I don't think you have the control necessary to be in her life given what I saw today. As soon as this imprint breaks you won't need to see her and I suggest you stay away."

I growl softly. "If you think I'll abandon her again you're an idiot. Trust me, I understand that I'm not what's best for her. But, if she ever needs someone to protect her or save her I'm there."

We share a glare before she finally nods. "I'm sleeping in Camden's room tonight."

I don't argue, just sigh.

She pads away and shuts the door. I feel a slight swell of magic and know she's changed into her Lynx form, probably not wanting to sleep on Camden's bed.

As I turn to the couch my phone starts buzzing. I answer the unknown number curtly.

"Hi, Eve. This is Fawn. I've got a basic idea of the spell. After I decoded the first few sentences it got easier. Now, I could be wrong, since I haven't finished but from what I can tell this spell allows the caster to find a specific type of person. I never even thought this sort of thing could be possible." She speaks excitedly, probably not even aware that it's close to midnight.

Yep, I totally ignored Camden's whole 'get Maia to bed on time' plan. Whoops...

"Wait, what do you mean?" I break into Fawn's monologue.

"Um, so, this would allow me to identify any group of people not necessarily a specific individual. Say I wanted to find any wolf shifter this would tell me where all of them are. Now, there are of course distance parameters, and -"

I cut her off. "Thanks, Fawn. If there are any clues as to who they were looking for let me know."

I hang up and immediately dial Raine.

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