Chapter 15 - Hellion

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I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't the well lit corridor we found. Maybe fifty meters down the dark corridor there had been a door and beyond that was a well ordered, and lit, hallway. Though how they stopped the light from seeping below the door to the stairs was left a mystery. While everything was still grey, each wall had evenly spaced doors. At the far end there was a final door. We peaked into each room but most were empty, only a few were full of what we could only describe as junk.

Finally, we only had the last door left.

Caire checks for magical traps and spends a few minutes disabling the two he finds. The spells were basic but well hidden. Finally, he stands and opens the door from the side so Raine can step forward with her gun trained. I move so half my body is hidden behind hers and also aim inside.

A single man stands frantically burning papers in the center of the room, not even pausing in his task enough to look up at us. A single round fires from Raine's pistol and he collapses backwards. Blood slowly winds down his forehead from where her bullet hit square between his eyes.

We walk with synchronized steps and scan the room, finding no one else. Caire quickly steps behind us and moves to start flipping through the papers the man left behind.

This room is different from the clean lines of the hallway. It's cluttered and the mint green desks are dusty and old. The light bulbs cast a brown light and there are shadows everywhere, but even they can't disguise the stacks of paper and books that cover every surface. Once satisfied we're alone, I run my hand over one cover removing the dust.

Ooooh, this book is rare. I might have to steal it for my collection. I'm roused from my perusal of the texts by Raine growling and diving under one of the desk. Caire jumps to his feet and rushes to her side, pulling her legs and dragging her out. She emerges with a child in tow.

The short red headed kid slashes at her violently with claws extended. Raine snarls, gripping the hands and jumping to her feet. As she moves, she adjusts her grip and the girl finds herself held quite firmly with no way of attacking Raine. So she does something stupid and attacks Caire with her legs.

Now, Raine may be oblivious to Caire's feelings for her but you did not go after one of the people in our group and assume the fox was going to stand for it. She moves the girls hands into one hand and the other jumps to the kids throat, squeezing.

"That's enough, Raine." I jog over to where they stand. Raine doesn't release the girl. "She's a kid. Come on, we can't kill a kid!"

"She attacked us!" Raine finally snarls, still not releasing the choking girl. Amber eyes flash at me as Raine's emotions take hold. "She wasn't tied up so she's one of them. We kill every member we come across. What's one more?"

I realize the futility and turn to face Caire but he just shrugs.

"Caire, come on. She can't be more than twelve! I'll take responsibility for her but you can't let Raine kill her!"

So here's the thing about coming into a group once it's already been established - you are constantly the outsider.

Raine, Caire, and Rhoslyn had been together for two years before I petitioned to join their quest five months ago. So their loyalty to each other is much greater than their loyalty to me. Which means if I go for Raine to get the kid, Caire will attack me and I'll have to reveal some things I've gone to great pains to keep hidden. That scenario doesn't work for me.

My pleading eyes don't work on Caire so I switch tactics. The kid's head lolls and I can tell she's passed out so I don't have long before she's dead.

"They wouldn't have cared what they said in front of a kid. If she's here of her own volition then we should be able to get everything they said out of her. We can't do that if she's dead." Logic has a better effect and Caire shifts to put a hand on Raine's shoulder.

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