Chapter 3- New Kid part 2

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Error's POV

My head jolted upright at Mrs. Alphys' sentence. "What???" I said out loud. I heard Fell laughing from beside me. With no time to react, the Ink kid came up to my desk with an outstretched hand. "Hi! I'm Ink! Nice to meet you, Error!"
The room went deadly quiet. I was staring at him as if he was crazy. So was everyone else. I knew what they were thinking.
What is he doing?
Going up to Error?
The kid's crazy.          
Here it comes...
I sighed, closing my eyes and scowling. People were expecting a punch. Instead, I pushed his hand to the side. "Yeahhh... No. I don't do handshakes," I said coldly. I saw his smile falter as he looked around, then back at me, then at his hand.
"Oh... Okay..." I heard him mumble. He then took his seat beside me and put his head down like I had.
I rolled my eyes as I heard whispering around the classroom again. And when the bell rang, Fell was the first to jump up.
"Yeah! No class!"
There was laughter, and then people quickly filed out of the classroom. The last three- besides Fell and I- were the Ink kid and his friends. Ink got up slower than the other two, and seemed awfully depressed. His friends surround and comforted him, but Fell and I just left without a word.

Ink's POV

"Yeahhh... No. I don't do handshakes," he said, pushing my hand away. I was horrified. Not because I had failed to make a new friend, but it was so quiet, I could hear a pin drop. Even Blue and Dream were extremely silent.
"Oh... Okay..." I said quietly, walking to my desk and putting my head down. Then whispers swept up throughout the room. Were they talking about me? I was too terrified to think straight. When the bell rang, I was slow to get up.
"Ink!" Blue yelped when everyone left. "Are you alright?"
"Why'd you do that?" Dream asked, shaking me.
"Do what?" I asked, looking up. My voice was muffled because my head was still resting in my arm.
"That!" Dream exclaimed, pointing to Error's desk. "That was nuts!"
"I... just wanted to say hello," I said miserably.
"THAT WAS LITERALLY THE WORST PERSON TO SAY HI TO!" Blue yelled, shaking me even harder than Dream had.
I sniffed. I felt like crying. "Sorry guys..." I said quietly. I started to walk off.
"WAIT!" I heard Blue yell.
"We're sorry. We shouldn't have yelled." Dream said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah..." Blue said, ashamed. "It's just- Error's a meanie that could have hurt you! Be careful next time, okay?"
I laughed and nodded. "Thanks you guys," I said, looking at them both.
"Now come on! We've gotta get to class!" Blue said, coaxing the both of us out the door.
I knew consciously that I needed to avoid Error. I didn't feel like he was going to be that friendly, especially after that. He definitely didn't seem like the best "friend material."
But I was determined to find out what gave him that reputation of his.

Error's POV

I try my best not to stare in complete surprise as I see Ink enter the classroom.
Boy Howdy this is going to be a long class, I think.
I watch as Ink sits down in the front, which makes me sigh in relief.
Which was short lived.
"Class? We'll be working on a project for the next week."
Make that a long week. I sighed.
"You'll have partners-"
Everyone each looked at their friend.
"-which I have already chosen for you!"
I couldn't have cared. Even if Fell was in this class, I knew what that teacher was plotting.
Every single time.
What I didn't expect what happened next.
"Dream and Cross"
Great. My NoTP.
"Berry and Dust"
Hooo boy that's rough. Try not to get your head chopped off.
"Geno and Reaper"
What the heck. This teacher is nuts. What's he planning?
"Ink and Error"
I could see that Ink's reaction was similar to mine. Surprised and slightly horrified. I saw his friends just sympathetically grimace at him. He then looked back to see me. Eyes wide and frowning. He just smiled at me sadly as if to say, 'Sorry about this,' and shrugged.
Ugh. Well this is wonderful. Fell doesn't want me to skip my classes, but I feel like doing that right now.

Ink's POV

Hearing Error's name after mine had to be the biggest shock I'd had in a while.
I saw Dream and Blue just give me a sympathetic frown. They knew their teacher better than I did, and even they didn't expect this.
I don't think Error did either. I don't think he noticed, but his glitching got stronger as I looked over my shoulder and gave him a simple shrug and smile. I think we were thinking the same thing.
Consider this the worst week in existence.
And that's strong words coming from someone like me.

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