Chapter 21- Escape

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Error's POV

Wake up...

I felt sudden sharp pains on the side of my face. But I refused to wake up.
Wake up, you stupid glitch face!

Wait... my mind doesn't call me glitch face.
One more sharp pain and my eyes opened up suddenly again. As I suspected, Swapfell stood before me.
"You're finally awake," he concluded with a rough voice.
"Were you waiting for me?" I replied testily. He growled in response as he turned heel and started towards the door.
"You're seriously going to leave me here?" I said with a smile. "How do you know my magic isn't back?"
"Oh, I know it is," he replied without hesitation. "But you're not going anywhere."
I laughed as he left. "We'll see about that."
But I was mistaken. Yes, my magic was back. But I teleported out of my chair and... into the main room. Not outside. I was standing there in confusion when I heard a voice behind me.
"So you're starting to figure it out."
Before I had time to react, I had a knife to my throat.
"There's a magic barrier around this entire building," Horror said with a terrifying smile on his face. "You can't use your magic to teleport outside it, so I can catch you." He seemed to laugh joyously and evilly at the same time.
And I thought I was being smart about this.

But I was.
I stood perfectly still, acting as if I'd accepted defeat.
As I waited for the perfect time to strike.

Fell's POV

This was actually scaring me.
We hadn't heard from Error in a two weeks. Not since the last text he sent. Not even Ink has gotten anything from him either.
Was he still at that weird building? Did something happen to him?
"We need to go check to make sure he's alright," Ink said finally. "I'm getting really worried. What if this has something to do with Swapfell?"
"It must be," I said, thinking. "There's no one else who would make him disappear like that... except-"
I suddenly froze. It couldn't be!
But it made too much sense.
"We have to go," I said hurriedly. "We have to leave, now!"
"What?" Blue questioned. "What, Fell? Who?"
I didn't reply. I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door. Then I started to run down the street. I heard the three of them chasing after me, confused. But I didn't stop.
Error, don't tell me he's the one responsible for this!
If you're alive, I hope you're okay.

Error's POV

Waiting patiently, I stood still, waiting. The knife was still at my neck, but at the perfect moment-
I slipped out from the grasp of the knife and attacked him. He seemed surprised at first, but immediately attacked back at me.
I was focused, but it didn't seem like I was focused enough. I had been in three comas in the past week, so I had a headache and seemed slower than usual.
I was struggling to fight him like I had before.
Before I knew it, he had me lying on the ground, my arm seemingly broken and my back in immense pain. I don't know what he did, but I couldn't move.
Everything was blurry. I couldn't help but feel like I would die here, even if that seemed like a bit much.
I was silent for a bit. I heard Swapfell walk in.
"He tried to escape, didn't he?"
I could almost feel him nod. "He's much slower and weaker than last time. It was easy to take him down."
"Is he unconscious?"
"He looks it, although I can't say for sure," he replied. "But he's immobilized, so he won't be going anywhere."

Fell's POV

When we got to the building, we snuck in as quietly as we could. I motioned for them to be quiet as we found ourselves in a room with exactly who I expected to see.
They hadn't seen us yet, but I motioned the three of them to a hiding spot so they could watch. From that hiding spot, I looked for Error. I heard a small gasp and a tug on my jacket. Blue had a look of terror on his face (I would've said horror but that would have been a pun) as he pointed to someone lying on the ground, unconscious.
It was Error.

I strained myself not to run up and attack when I heard a small voice coming from him.

Error's POV

"Horror..." I whispered in a gravelly voice, still on the ground in pain.
Both skeletons had a surprised reaction. They didn't know I was still awake.
I lifted my neck slowly up, hearing cracking noises as I hoisted it up to look at them.
I painfully grinned.
"...You Bastard..."
Although my grin faded, my eyes met theirs for a second. Their eyes held some sort of fear that couldn't be seen at first glance. But I knew it was there. They seemed intimidated. I also saw something behind them that none of us had seen before.
My lips curled into a smile.
"You've heard of that saying. 'Curiosity killed the cat.'"
I looked Horror straight in the eye. "But you're missing the most important part."
My arm hurt. My back hurt. But I stood up and held my limp arm.
"Sure, Curiosity did kill the cat," I said with a small shrug and a smile. Then I looked him in the eye one last time. "But satisfaction brought it back!"
Suddenly, with the loudest voice I could muster, I shouted, "NOW!"

And then the tables had suddenly turned.
The three Star Sanses, although quite surprised, ran up and attacked the two other skeletons, doing their best to hold them off while Fell rushed over to me. First, he hugged me. Not a very 'Fell' thing to do. And everything hurt, so my response was "Ow, ow, ow-"
But he apologized and put my good arm around his shoulder to prop me up and get out of there.
Unfortunately, we were moving pretty slowly. The Star Sanses were holding the two masterminds off, but it was still a pretty big battle. Trying to avoid it was as difficult as walking itself. And at some point, Swapfell tried to attack us instead of the other three. Dream ended up distracting them away from us, but it was still difficult. I could barely move myself.
I was helpless. It felt terrible.
This was my fault.
My tired eyes that had closed for an amount of time opened again.
Blue and Dream were holding off Horror. Ink was by himself fighting Swapfell. But he was cornered.
Ink was in danger!
I felt my eye slowly start to glow again. For a second, the pain faded. My focus sharpened so that all I could see was who I was aiming to hit, and who I was aiming to protect.
I used the last of my power to summon a blaster. Soon after, Swapfell was on one side of the room, Ink on the other. Swapfell had gone unconscious, leaving Horror to all three of them to deal with. I sighed in relief. Ink was safe.
And then I fainted.

Hello there!
I'm so glad I'm back! Writers block finally let go of me, I'm happy!
(I have to thank my friend Topaz for the "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back" phrase, it totally saved me from writers block!)
And here I am, listening to Disbelief ^^'
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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