Chapter 13- Apologies

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Fell's POV

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, but I couldn't have cared less.
Wait... where's Blue?
I then turned to the sound of the door opening. Blue rushed in, smiling.
"You're awake!" He said, running to my side. I smiled, and he pulled at my hand.
"You must be hungry! C'mon, let's go get some breakfast!" I laughed as he pulled me through the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen. There, Ink and Dream were eating.
"Ah, Fell! You're awake! How are you feeling? Okay, I'm hoping." Ink said, smiling.
"Slightly less dead, and with a pounding headache, but yes." I said, taking a deep breath. "I'm doing just fine."
Ink laughed. "That's good. Would you like something to eat?"
I nodded. It felt nice to know that we could still feel good, even with Error missing. It felt good to feel wanted.
But Error still wasn't here.

Blue's POV

Fell is finally awake! I'm glad to see that he no longer has sticks and briars piercing him like needles. He took a really hard tumble down that hill.
I was really happy we had no school that day. Even if we did, I would have skipped it to stay with Fell. I wouldn't care, and I don't think the teachers would either. I'm still happy he's okay, though.
After breakfast, Fell said he was going to take a little stroll outside. We were skeptical at first, but he reassured us that there weren't any more death cliffs for him to jump off of. Still, I wanted to follow him.
In my backyard, there's a small bridge over a creek. It's very relaxing to sit on, especially in the middle of a stressful day, and I was guessing that was where he was headed.
As I watched, I saw him walk over to the bridge and sit down. I heard a sigh from his direction, then I saw him put his head in his hands.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why'd you do that to yourself, asshole?"
He was... talking to himself.
"People care about you! Blue cares! You can't just try to kill yourself and think nobody will care! What are you trying to prove to yourself?"
I stopped. He had fallen silent.
"Error... where are you?" He spoke very faintly. "Why'd you have to leave? Everything has gone wrong since you've left, and I'm not doing any better than you might be."
I suddenly felt a pang of sympathy for Fell. Error had been his for as long as he could remember, and now that he's gone, he's got no clue what to do. He was unsure of himself, and other people, including us.
I then found myself walking towards him. I sat down beside him.
"You look like you need a hug," I said, looking at him. He laughed nervously, and I gave him a semi serious smile. "It's going to be alright, Fell," I said, patting him on the back. "I'm here for you. Don't worry. We'll find Error."
"Will we?" He said, looking at me. "He's been gone for a month with no communication whatsoever to let us know if he's alright- I know I'm assuming the worst, but we don't really know what's happened to him. What if the rumors are true?"
"They won't be," I said reassuringly. "Error will be fine. They're just dumb rumors. It's best not to believe them- they make no sense anyway." I said shrugging. He smiled.
"Thanks, Blue."
"No problem! And remember, I'll always be here for you." I said, patting him on the shoulder. "And all we have to do is be patient. Error will be back." I smiled, and he did the same.
I wanted to hope he believed me.
Because somewhere, in the back of my mind, I was having trouble doing that myself.

Fell's POV

I wasn't sure about how long Blue had been listening to my ranting. But it didn't look he cared. He wanted to make me feel better. He wanted to support me. And that made me feel so much better.
Suddenly, he shifted his hand down and splashed some water in my face. Laughing, I did the same. It felt good to be happy again. I wish it could've lasted forever.
But I knew it couldn't. We still weren't sure how much longer Error would take to get back, or if he would come back at all. And despite Blue's reassurance, I'm pretty sure we all know it's not going to be easy.
He's also right. The best thing to do is be patient.
But I don't know how long I can do that.

Okay, now this was a short chapter.
CherryBerry palssssss(imsosorry)
Disclaimer: I wrote chapter 14 before the other two. This was the annoying thing I was talking about earlier.
Finally I can post it!
I still need le chapter art!
Nuuuuu ;-;
Anyways, these chapters have all been angsty bullshit so far, and it's not done yet! :D
But really, I hope you like it so far. These next few chapters are going to be fun!
-The Author

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