Chapter 15- Confusion

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Ink's POV

I was so happy Error was back. We were a bit afraid of going back to school, and of course people didn't lay light on the whispering. But we were used to it. Our homeroom was like every other day- it was as if nothing had happened. And we liked it better that way.
Unfortunately, things weren't the same. At least, not as we had thought. People were just as confused as we were as to why or how Error was still here. They'd be salty right in front of him, and he'd always just reply, "It was only two months. Jeez, it's called patience, ever heard of it?" We'd laugh, but we'd also remember how short our patience had gotten. But things were alright. In all honesty, we still weren't sure what would happen next. Things were still jumbled up in a giant mess. But Fell was back to his laughable, spectacular self, and Blue and Dream the same. It felt good to know that we didn't have to worry about anything anymore.
But how did I know that it wasn't going to last long?

A week after Error's return, he disappeared again. But this time, we knew where he was. He was sick. Again. When he came back two days later, he started to ignore me. He'd be walking down the hallway, I'd come up to say hello, and he'd walk past me quickly, as if he were trying to avoid me. Fell would always help out by reassuring that he'd talk to him, but he'd always come back with nothing.
Even Blue and Dream seemed distant around me. They'd always leave me behind after first and second period, and whispered to each other during lunch, not including me. I had no clue what they were talking about. Or who, if it were about a specific person. I didn't know.
For some reason, Error's ignorance towards me seemed to lessen my self-confidence when it came to speaking with him. I'd be confident approaching him, then immediately regress back to my extreme nervousness once I'm right in front of him. To my surprise, I had no clue why this happened. It was as if an aura stood around him, full of nervous feelings and awkwardness. I couldn't explain it, and I couldn't ask ask him about it either. It was just like my first days here. I wanted to ignore it, but I still didn't get why he was ignoring me. It was unexplainable and sudden. I didn't know what to do.
People noticed this change. People whispered and whispered, just as curious as I was of Error's behavior. Everyone wanted to ask me about it like they were some sort of reporter.
"What happened?"
"Why is he ignoring you?"
"Why does he hate you so much now?"
I wanted to tell them that I didn't know either.
But I didn't.
I went to my friends to see if they could help. They weren't being ignored by Error, as far as I knew. Maybe they could tell me if they know what's going on.
They just shrugged.
"I dunno. Go ask him yourself," Dream said.
"I can't! He keeps ignoring me and glaring at me and scaring me I just- I don't know what's going on!" I said, putting my head in my hands.
I didn't feel a pat on my shoulder and a voice saying it was going to be alright.
"Well, there's nothing we can do."

My mind was buzzing on my way home from school. What was up with my friends? At least Fell was being nice and talking to me, but something was definitely up. So I went to his house instead of mine.
I knocked on his door. "Fell? Are you home?"
I heard a small rustle from the other side. "Yeah," I heard him say. "Why? What do you need?"
"I wanted to ask you about something. Can I open the door?"
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Fell, who looked curious. "No problem, Ink. Here, come in." He gestured for me to come inside, so I did. It was a small yet comfortable living space, and he sat down in one of the chairs, me sitting down across from him.
"Ask away, Ink." He said, propping his head up with his elbow resting on the armrest. "What's up?"
"Something's wrong with Error and my friends. Error is avoiding me all together, and Blue and Dream are acting strange. Do you have any idea what's going on?"
He looked extremely confused. "What? Really? I was wondering why Blue and Dream weren't with you."
"They went home without me. I came by myself. At first I thought they didn't know about Error's behaviors, but this is a little much." I said, shrugging.
"I have to agree with you there. Unfortunately, I've got no clue either. I'm sorry, Ink. I can't help you. Give it some time, maybe they'll explain sooner or later." He said with a smile. I couldn't help but do the same.
"Thanks, Fell. I'll try to be patient. What do you think I should do until then?" I asked.
He paused, thinking.
"I guess... you should just wait for them. If they walk up to you themselves, maybe they have something to say as an explanation." Fell said. "Who knows, maybe they're waiting for you at your house to say something to you about this right now."
I thanked him and left. At least Fell was still helpful. I could see why he joined Student Council. I bet he could help a lot of people.
If they wanted to be helped.

I went back home and opened the door.
No one else was there. 
Oh well, I thought. I guess they didn't have anything to say.
I guess I'd just have to wait, like Fell said.
But I don't know how long my patience will last this time around.

Fell's POV

As Ink left, closing the door behind him, I suddenly panicked.
Not just because Ink was questioning what I hadn't heard about yet. I had.
But I didn't expect it to be this serious.
"They went home without me. I came by myself."
I've heard that before, haven't I?
If there was one thing I had to say about Ink's surprise visit and the information he had told me, it was that Ink's friends are really bad at keeping secrets.
And I had to decide how I was going to fix it- without spoiling the surprise.

Sorry. I'm overreacting, I know
But oh
My god
I finally got a chapter out for you guys!
I honestly hope you like it. I haven't had a lot of time to write due to school, but I'll try! I get a break next week anyways, so I hope I'll be able to finish up a few chapters in this week and the next.
Who knows.
Hope you're enjoying it!
-The Author

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