Chapter 11- But Nobody Came

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Ink's POV

Four days.
Ten days.
Two weeks.
He's still not here.
We turned in the project. It turned out great.
But things weren't the same as before.
Fell's really worried. He went to his house just a few days ago to check up on him.
There was no answer.
No calls.
No texts.
No one was home.
No one has any idea where he's gone. And worse, no one knows if he's coming back.
Maybe the rumors were true.

Blue has been able to keep Fell in higher spirits despite his friend's disappearance, but I can still see it in his face. He doesn't know how long this will keep up. No one does.
Everyone else seemed relieved. The things they were saying angered me, and I don't understand why.
But at the same time, I do.
"Are you sure? You really think he's gone?"
"Two weeks of absence? I know he's gone for good."
"Maybe he's dead?"
"I say good riddance. I'd had enough of him."
"I still don't understand how anyone was supposed to like him."
I could feel it in my head, my chest. I felt horrible. How can people say these things? And without proof? They were the terrible ones, not Error. I hadn't experienced a single time where I was hurt by Error, so how could they be true?
I didn't know who to believe anymore, but my head screamed at them. It screamed that it wasn't his fault.
I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's wrong. Things have totally collapsed. And to think, that only just a few weeks ago, things were normal. Error was fine, we had struggles, but it was okay. Things weren't bad. This has gone way too quick. I didn't expect my life to take such turns when he left. Whatever happened to Error- it wasn't going to be good.
Is it my fault?

Blue's POV

Things are quiet.
I don't like quiet!
Nobody's seen Error for a long time.
I think it's stressing my friends out.
Fell has been very quiet for a while, and Ink is constantly been pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself. Both of them seem very worried.
I've tried to cheer Fell up the best I can, but I don't think it's working. He was laughing for a while, but now he won't even smile. And when my cheers don't work, I get curious. If he's able to resist laughing or smiling, something's definitely up.
I've been thinking... people have been talking about Error because he's missing. Some people think he's dead. And... as much as I hate to say it, I feel like it was better when Error was here.
But the question is, where is he?
If finding him is the only way to make Fell smile again, then that's what I'm gonna do!

Fell's POV

Remember when I said I was scared for Error?
I changed my mind.
I'm downright terrified.
How am I supposed to know he's not dead?
Two weeks.
It's been two weeks since I've seen him, let alone talk to him.
I feel like my insides have been scooped out of me.
Maybe I should have used a different wording.
Anyways, I'm scared.
Like, really, truly mortified.
And that's something you can't imagine until you've really felt it.

Dream's POV

I didn't like Error.
I've never liked him.
Not when I got here, not when Ink got here, not even when I truly met him and his friend.
But his disappearance has put us on the down-low, and I still don't know what to think. Should I feel bad? Should I say something? I really don't know.
But really, seeing Ink like this puts me down there too. I want everyone to stay happy, and I can tell Blue wants that too, but I don't know what else to do. I can't just magically let everyone know that Error's alright!
I... I don't even know if I want to do that. Would things really get better? Or will it just go back to how it was?

But... I have been hearing some of the things people have been saying. That he's dead, that he's gone forever, blah blah blah. I really don't believe that crap, which makes me feel sorta bad. I can tell that my friends aren't taking it that lightly. I can also see that they're hoping that these rumors are wrong.
And my mind is trying to choose whether or not to believe they are true.

Error's POV

Everything hurts.
I can't see.
I can't hear.
I can't feel.
I can't move.
I can't remember what happened.
Where am I?
Why am I here?
I try to call out. I yelled and screamed into the darkness.
Help! Please! Anyone!
But Nobody Came.

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