Chapter 9- Strange

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Ink's POV

I didn't know what to expect from these next three weeks. It felt a bit strange working with Error, but Blue, Dream and Fell were having a good time, so I was happy. I do have to say, things got a bit less awkward between the two of us, but I still wasn't totally sure. We were doing pretty well though, so I couldn't complain. Error wasn't helping us when it came to the actual art, but he helped put it all together. He's pretty good at sorting. If he actually cared about school, I'd say he'd be a pretty neat student.

Error's POV

I had... second thoughts about saying yes to the project offer. I had already told them during the activity in History that I didn't draw. Which was true- I literally have never drawn in my life. I just-
You know what, let's not focus on the past. I'm getting off topic.
Anyways, when I saw Fell say yes so quickly, I knew I couldn't help but say yes too.
But Fell wasn't the only reason I said yes.

Ink's POV

If you had to ask me, I'd say Error and I have been getting along pretty well. He's not as distant or as difficult when he's around me anymore. I wonder if it's because of Fell, or if it's because we're just now starting to really get to know each other. When we're working on the project, we have random conversations while working. We talk about things like hobbies and stuff. It's fun to hear what kind of stuff they have to say.

Error's POV

I can't even start to describe the hilariousness of Fell's crush on Blue. Before Ink got here, he'd just sit and stared at him from a distance in the classroom. Now that he knows that Ink's his best friend, he's been trying his best to hang around his group of friends just to get close to him. He's been trying to get me back for making fun of him by doing the same thing- with someone else.

Ink's POV

We had to stay late again for another Student Council meeting. I'm guessing they were going over the Student Council role in the Spring Fling, which is pretty big. And since they couldn't have a meeting the day of the Spring Fling, which was in a couple of days, they had to go over everything. And apparently, that was a lot.
The sun was already starting to go down. It was getting pretty late already. I wondered if they were close to getting finished up.
Since I had to wait for Blue and Dream and Error had to wait for Fell, we were sitting up at the front together.
As the sun set, I just sighed and watched as a crescent moon replaced the sun. It was quiet.
A little too quiet.
"How long do you think they'll be?" I asked Error, trying to start a conversation. He just looked at me, then turned away, looking somewhere else. "I dunno," he said nonchalantly. I looked at him frustratedly, then looked up at the sky. Stars were already spotting the dark blue sky, with a crescent moon standing tall within them. "What a gorgeous night," I said subconsciously. His head snapped up to look at me, then at the sky. I heard his breath hitch slightly. I have a feeling that he was just as amazed as I was. I looked at him, smiling. He turned to meet my eyes, then... did the same? I was confused, but I didn't care. We looked back up into the sky and watched the stars shine endlessly.
Then I turned to Error.
He turned to look at me. "Yeah?"
We both turned to see Fell, Dream and Blue walking towards us, smiles on their faces.
"There you are! We didn't expect you two to be this far out, but here you are!" Blue said, helping me up. I looked back at Error, who just shrugged and got up himself. I almost sighed in relief as I followed the group, who explained what had happened.

Error's POV

I didn't get a chance to ask Ink about what he wanted to tell me. Our friends had moved on so quickly, I just had to move on. I don't know what he was going to say, but if it matters, he'll remember and ask again.
Maybe then he'll get lucky and not get interrupted.
Oh well.

The stars looked amazing though. I had never seen anything like it.
I feel great. Things will get better.
Will I finally get another chance?

~Time skip brought to you by Error's Vagueness~

Ink's POV

I decided to stay over at Blue's house that night. Dream stayed as well, and we were just sitting and chatting when Blue looked at at me and asked, "Hey Ink! What were you and Error talking about?"
I just gave him a weird laugh. "I was just saying how pretty it was out. You should have seen it when we were there! There were barely any lights, so you could see so many stars! They were everywhere!"
I tried my best to keep the conversation away from Error. That would be a little bit awkward.
Okay, a lot awkward.
But whatever.

My GAWD Error is Mr. Mysterious in this chapter! It's kinda short, but eh whatever.
I don't know why it took me so long to write this! It's Friday and I might as well lie on the floor for the entire weekend.
But even you must know that I can't do that.

Hope you're enjoying the story!
-The Author

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