Chapter 6- Anyone Can Draw

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Ink's POV

Error and I did okay on the project. I wouldn't say we did the best, but a 92 is still an A, so I'm happy.
But as soon as we turned in our project, Error stopped talking to me. I guess that was part of the deal, but spending a week in the library together and then just nothing- I don't know, it's almost kind of lonely.
It had been about a week and a half since the last day of the project. I still have to sit next to Error in first period, so it's still bearable that Blue and Dream are near.
But I got bored in the middle of class, and had nothing to do. So I took a piece of paper out, and peeked to my left. Error was writing something down in a small notebook.
What would he think if I drew him? I thought randomly. I had nothing better to do, so...

Error's POV

I was just writing down a random message to Fell, since we couldn't talk to each other during work time. Mid sentence, I received a tap on my right shoulder. I shifted my eyes to see Ink, smiling like a giddy child. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my paper.
Another tap. I ignore it.
"What the Hell do you want?" I hiss.
He holds up a small sheet of blank paper. He looked at it, realized it was backwards, and flipped it.
It was a picture of me.

Ink's POV

"You drew that?" He asked, looking at it up and down. I nodded.
"You were watching me?" He asked this time. I looked at him strangely.
"Not watching what you were doing, no." I answered, confused. "I was mainly focusing on you. I would have drawn you regularly, but..." I just shrugged.
He just kinda stared at it for a while. Then he asked to see it. I gave it to him, and he studied it even closer, still frowning. I just kinda stared at him, waiting. It was very... daunting.
I thought he was just going to keep it, but he just handed it back, mumbling something like, "cool." Or it could have been something else.
I sighed in relief. At least I knew he didn't hate it. Things would have turned out differently if he did. He spent the rest of the class looking in the opposite direction. Right before the bell rang, I folded it and left it on his desk. I was finally the first one out the door, and I could see Error looking at it, confused. I didn't even wait for Blue or Dream. I just left.

In my next class, the teacher had moved our seats. They were like tables now, four desks per. Blue and Dream sat down beside me.
"Why'd you leave without us? And what were you doing?" Blue asked.
"I finished early and had nothing to do. So I drew Error and showed him. Being bored stinks!" I said laughing. They didn't laugh with me.
"How... how did he react?" Dream asked. "I'm guessing he didn't exactly hate it due to the fact that you're not hurt, but-"
"That's just the thing." I said before he could finish. "He didn't do anything. He didn't say if he liked it or not- he just asked for it, looked at it, then gave it back." I shrugged. "I don't know what to think." But I've got an idea in my head.

Error's POV

I was one of the last ones out of the classroom. Fell had to leave early so he wasn't late for his class. I was still looking at the piece of paper sitting on my desk.
But I gave that back! I thought. How'd it get on my desk? Did Ink drop it?
I decided to dismiss the thought and just give it back. When I got to the classroom, the desks were rearranged into tables. Ink was sitting near the front, with his friends. There was one empty seat beside him. All the other tables were full.
Why did I not expect this? I thought, sighing in defeat. As I walked over to the table, Dream noticed me. "Why are you here?" he asked, spitting the words out as if they had gone bad.
"Um, this is my class too, y'know," I said, giving him a look.
"No, I mean why are you over here? Cuz you could have sat anywhere else." Dream said, trying to give me the same look.
"No I couldn't." I said, pointing to the rest of the seats, which were all full.
He paused. Ink went ahead and spoke for him.
"Error, go ahead and sit down. I noticed there weren't any more seats anyways."
I looked at him. He wasn't smiling. He didn't look like he was joking or mad. His face looked completely serious. I closed my eyes to try to calm down.

Ink's POV

In History today, we had to illustrate one of the four known areas of the underground. I chose the Waterfall, because it was such a pretty scene whenever I got to visit.
After a few minutes, I noticed Error looking over my shoulder at my drawing. He didn't have anything on his paper. He was just watching me. I don't think he had a pencil. I turned to him, and he immediately looked away.
"You like my drawing?" I asked.
"I didn't say that I did!" He said, glaring at me.
"You didn't say you didn't either," I said back. Blue and Dream giggled as Error's eyes widened. I got him. I grabbed an extra pencil from out of my pocket and held it out for him. "Here," I said. He just kinda stared at it.
"Here! A pencil for you!"
"What for?"
"Your drawing! You don't have anything."
"Yeah I do!"
"What is that?"
"It's the anti-void."
"The what?"
"The anti-void."
I just looked at the blank paper that sat on his desk.
I continued to shove the pencil in his face.
"Try it!"
"N-no, I don't draw."
Aha! So he didn't do anything!
"Oh come on! Anyone can draw! You just have to-" I started to grab his hand, to which resulted in him pulling his hand away in surprise.
"I said no." He growled.
"S-sorry..." I looked down.
When the bell rang for our next class, Error immediately left.
Blue and Dream were looking at each other. They both obviously had seen something that I hadn't.

Hey everyone! Once again, it's my chapter art. I guess I just decided to waste time draw it instead of writing, but eh, whatever. I hope you're enjoying the story so far!
-The Author

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