Chapter 5- Even More Awkward

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Ink's POV

The heck
Did I
"I just invited the saltiest, meanest guy in the whole school! And his friend! And you guys! Without asking! What do I do?" I said, shaking both Blue and Dream twice. We were in our next class, and thankfully, Error wasn't there.
"Woah, chill dude," Dream said, putting his hands up. He brushed himself off as I let go of his shoulders, apologizing.
"Sorry, Dream. But really," I said, sighing. "What should I do?"
"Well," Blue started. "Where did you invite him to, and to do what?" He kinda stared at me with this look that said, 'Let's hope it's not what I think...'
"Oh," I said, startled. "I wanted to work on the project some more today, so I asked if we could meet in the library during our free period."
Blue sighed in relief. I looked at him strangely, but continued. "And he said yes! And now I'm scared, I don't know what to do! And you're coming with too, but I don't know what made him change his mind! Arghhhhh this is so frustrating and confusing and terrifyingly weird at the same time!"
"Well, I'll have you know, I'll have your back the whole time!" Blue said cheerfully. Dream smiled at me. "Don't worry, Ink. If things go horribly wrong, we'll just go. No problem."
I smiled back. "Thanks Blue. Thanks Dream. You guys are the best."
But the thought still stuck with me until the end of class.
Why'd he change his mind so quickly?
Or did I change his mind at all?

Error's POV

Did I really just do that?
Kudos to Ink for actually believing a word I even said back there, but WHAT??
I was sitting next to Fell in my third class of the day before free period and lunch. I told him everything.
"Mr. Asgore did that on purpose, didn't he?" Fell said, after I had explained it to him.
"That's what I said!" I said, laughing half- furiously. "I didn't know what the hell to do!"
"And?" Fell started. "What did happen?"
My eyes widened. I still didn't mention Ink's invitation.
"Ummm..." I started, pretty slow. Fell seemed to lean towards me in anticipation.
"Well, I found out that Ink isn't terrified of me-"
"Yeah, Yeah, cut the crap." Fell interrupted. "I don't wanna hear that! I already know! If he's able to even talk to you after what happened at first period, I'd be able to say he's just as resilient as a five year old! What happened after that?"
I sighed, my temper starting to run short already.
"Ink invited both of us to the library to work on the project together. You've got your History class later today, right?" I asked, looking at him. He looked confused.
"Yeh, but what for? That's kinda stupid-"
"Dream and Blue will be there too," I added, half smiling as I saw his expression shift immediately.
"YES- I mean, sure..." He coughed twice. "Why not?"  He laughed weakly, nervous.
I didn't get a chance to laugh, but I whispered, "Knew it," under my breath and smiled jokingly. The fact that it was obvious made it so funny. That's why I agreed to this in the first place.
Me? I was going to say no.
Here's to me being a good friend.
The teacher had already been trying to get the class' attention, so I didn't get a chance to speak until after class. But Fell had practically skipped through the door, so I followed, laughing.

Ink's POV

The library is HUGE.
I did not expect this, but hey, I'm not complaining!
I was going to go explore the art section of the library, if I could find it, but there was one thing distracting me. All of the people in the library- well, most of them- had started whispering again.
That's the kid who got stuck with Error in History!
I won't be surprised if I saw him in the infirmary later this week!
I wanna wish him luck, but-
I squeaked in surprise and whirled around. Error was standing behind me, his friend next to him. The library went deadly quiet.
Error scowled, and walked past me mumbling something that sounded like 'I'm not the only bad guy here.' I ignored it and watched him sit down in the back. Fell called us over, and we nervously shuffled over to the table they were sitting at.
Talk about awkward.
The library didn't exactly return to the normal noise level from before, but I think the librarian liked it better that way. Our group was strangely quiet. Error was just writing things down on a piece of paper. Dream was seemingly uncomfortable. He just got up saying he was going to go find a book. I just sat there in silence as I watched him go. I noticed Blue looking at Fell strangely, and Fell was doing the same. Blue was uncertain about the tension coming from the silence, so I made a desperate attempt to to strike up a conversation.
"So, uh.... How long have you two known each other? Do you have any other friends?"
Error abruptly stopped writing, but didn't look up from the paper. Fell shifted his eyes uncomfortably towards his friend, then back at Blue. "Five years," Fell answered, closing his eyes for a second. "And no. I'm Error's only friend."
"It's pretty obvious, huh?" Error suddenly said. "Fell's been my only friend for a long time because of stupid people who think I'm evil!" He said slamming his pencil down on the desk. He stopped for a second, then laughed softly. "Sorry." He said, his expression solemn. Our group went quiet again. I looked down. Fell leaned over.
"Sorry," he whispered. "He's a bit sensitive about that subject, but it's not your fault. Not many people know him that well."
One half of my mind was just plain old sad. The other half, though, was racing from Fell's comment. If people think Error is evil, then why? It didn't make much sense.
When the lunch bell sounded, Error got up and left without a single word. I saw Fell mouth 'sorry' to us as he followed him out. I was still looking down, but Blue patted me on the back. "It's alright. You heard Fell. Not a lot of people know a lot about him. Heck, I didn't even know that until now! Don't worry about it, Ink. It's just your first day. Things will get better."
I wanted to believe him.
So I did.

Art was by me (again)
I don't know why I just felt like drawing pissed Error
But it was fun!
-The Author

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