Chapter 14- Memory

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Ink's POV

One month.
Two months.
How long will we wait?
Before we know it might as well be over...

Error's POV

I don't know how long I've been here.
But I don't know if I should worry about that anymore.
I hear whispers now.
Whispers that tell me to give up.
No one will be there to greet you if come back.
You'll be lonely forever.
Just stay here...
You'll be safe here...
Go to sleep, Error. You need it.
Going back won't be worth it...
Just stay here...

My eyes jolt back open. Suddenly, I'm remembering things. Feeling things that I'd never imagine.
"Hi! I'm Ink! Nice to meet you, Error!"
"Oh come on! Anyone can draw!"
"Are... are you alright, Error?"
These were all past memories.
"Error... when will come back?"
Wait a minute...
"We don't know where you are... or if you'll ever come back. But we want you to. Fell misses you. We all miss you."
"What are you doing?"
"Hehe... just talking..."
"To who?"
"I don't think you're talking to yourself."
Were these... future memories? The ones where I'm not here? Was this happening right now?
"Sorry Fell... I'm going to go outside and think for a bit. I'll be by the bridge..."
I heard a sigh. "Alright. See you later, Ink."
Fell went silent. I felt sick. I hadn't been there for them, and everything went into havoc.
I have to wake up.

Okay, I don't think that worked.
I continued to try to wake myself up.
I heard a small sigh.
"Where are you, Error?"

I wake up quickly, breathing heavily. I look around. I'm surrounded by white.
Well, that's a huge change.
I'm in the anti-void? How'd I get here?
But I could honestly care less.

Ink's POV

I stared up into the sky, the orange colors turning into blues and purples.
The sun was going down, the stars coming out. It was a wonderful sight.
I suddenly thought about Error. I remembered when he was here with me. The thought that Error was probably dead- that I'd probably never see this sight like I had that night- it pained me so much that I had to look down. I stared into the water and played with it with my foot. It was a quiet night- no birds, no crickets, no frogs...
I stared at my reflection, who stared back at me. I heard nothing but my steady heartbeat. I felt nothing but the grass underneath me and the slight breeze in the air.
"Oh Error... where are you?" I sighed.
"I'm right here."

I turned to see Error standing behind me, grinning.
I'm dumbfounded.
"E-Error...?" I managed to stammer out.
"In the skull."
I suddenly jumped up without thought and hugged his legs. He just kinda stood there awkwardly, before I stood up and put my hands on his shoulders. I looked at him up and down. Then I smiled. And then I stepped on his foot.
"Ow!" He said, hopping up and down while holding it with his hands. "What'd you do that for, you jerk?"
"Look who's talking. And anyways, I could have done worse. Where the Hell have you been?!"
"I was-"
"You scared us all to death! Two months you were gone. Two months! I swear, Fell is going to kill you when he sees you!"
"I know! But I don't think I had much of a choice! I was in a coma-"
"For two months?"
"Dear Lord..."
"And the thing is, I don't know why. Everything was dark, I had no clue how long I had been there... everything is just a big jumbled mess!" He put his head in his hand. I put my hand on his shoulder again.
"Well, you're here now. Welcome back, Error. I'm sure your friend will be glad to see you."

Error's POV

"No calls, no texts, nothing at all to let me know that YOU AREN'T DEAD??"
I just shrugged. "I dunno. I guess the pitch black void had really bad service."
He sighed. Then he glared at me with a small rueful smile. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't punch you right now."
I raised my eyebrows(?) in a semi-serious manner and half smiled. "Everything hurts like Hell already. Won't be worth it."
He laughed, then punched me in the shoulder anyways. "Too bad." I touched it gingerly. Ink gave me a distressed look.
"You didn't tell me you were hurt," he said, looking at me. "Are you alright?"
I smiled at him almost jokingly. "Yeah, I'm good. Just a little sore from spending two months in a coma."
Fell shook his head in disbelief. "And nobody knew... seriously dude, you need someone to live with you so they can tell us first thing when you've gone into a coma."
I laughed, then looked at Ink. Blue and Dream were behind him, just kinda waiting. They looked nervous, but I couldn't help but remember that they helped care for their friends during my absence. I smiled at Ink, then turned to Blueberry. He just kinda looked up at me with surprise. It was now when I realized how tiny he really was. Did he feel intimidated?
I grinned at him, then crouched down so our eyes were level.
"Thank you," I said, looking at him. "For everything. You really are a good friend." I looked at Dream. "Both of you are. Ink's very lucky."
Dream looked at me funnily. "Are you okay, Error? Are you sure you're fully awake?"
I laughed. "I'm still the glitch everyone knows and hates. Don't get used to the sappiness."
He almost sighed in relief, but he also laughed. "No, it's fine. You are right, though. I need to get used to this." He smiled.
I heard Blue squeal in delight.
"Hooray! Another new friend!" He opened his arms up. I knew what was coming.
"Woah, no thanks," I said, putting my hands up defensively. "I still don't do-"
I felt Blueberry's tiny mitts attempt to squeeze me to death.
He succeeded.
"Too late!" He said cheerily as I heard laughter around me. As Blue let go of me, Fell looked at me funnily and laughed.
"Don't get too jealous, dude, but Blue and I are getting super tight now!"
"Woah, bro! What'd I miss?"
"A lot!"
"Well? Gimme details!"
He laughed. It felt great to see Fell out and about, especially after seeing how he reacted to this giant mess. To know that  they could barely last two months with me gone, I couldn't imagine what would have happened if I hadn't woken up. I'm glad I did. I'm glad everyone is doing better now that I'm back.
Now all I have to do is go back to school.

Ink's POV

I'm so happy to see Red smiling again. He hasn't been himself since Error left. Now that he's back, Fell can be happy again. And now we know Blue makes him happy too.
I feel good.
But how are the kids at school going to react?

I hope you're happy.
Jeezus I'm glad it's Saturday.
But I'm hoping you like this chapter. I liked it myself while I was writing it because it was serious in a way that could still have someone cracking jokes to make you laugh.
Next chapter will come as soon as possible. I have a lot to do, but I will try to see if I can write something soon.
But I hope you're enjoying the story!
-The Author

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