Chapter 12- Things Literally Go Downhill

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Ink's POV

It's been about a month and a half now. Things are... different.
Fell has given up. He sits alone now, barely speaking except for small things to his teachers. It's not the same with Error gone.
Blue is still trying to keep us in high spirits. He hasn't given up, and he's even told Fell he'd help look for Error.
That was a week ago. Blue hasn't given up hope, though. He's looked everywhere, but he realizes that so has Fell.
Dream doesn't know what to think. He's talked to me many times- his thoughts seem all jumbled up in this mess. But he doesn't seem to believe the rumors, despite the fact that Error has been missing for longer than anyone expected. I hope I can believe him, but it gets harder and harder every day.
The rumors... they've gotten even worse. People are now saying it was my fault. That it was a bad omen.
Wait... weren't they just treating Error like a villain? What did I have to do with his disappearance?
The more they go on, the less amount of sense they make. I don't know who thought of these, but those are hard to believe.
The one I can't quite counteract, or at least it's the only one I can't prove wrong, is the biggest question anyone has ever asked me.
Is he dead?
If he is, it would be the biggest scar in my life.
And that scar isn't because I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that my friend was dead.
It would be because I would never know why.

Fell's POV

It's been too long...

How long will I have to go
I can't go any farther?
If he really is gone
Could I join him?
His time grows short
Along with
My patience.
And I wonder
How much longer
I have to survive.

~If you are sensitive about things like suicide, please skip to Fell's next POV~

Blue's POV

I haven't given up yet. Error can't be dead! And for Fell's sake, I will continue to look for him.
Speaking of Fell, I decided to visit him after he left school early one day. To make sure he was okay, I told Ink and Dream that I'd go check on him.
He didn't answer when I knocked on the door. His door was unlocked, so I let myself in.
No one was home.
The back door was open, though.
And my curiosity got the best of me.
Right out the back door I go, and I see a giant hill.
It's really, really steep.
Uh oh, I think as I see a red jacket sitting at the edge of the hill. It's gold parts shone, and I knew it was Fell's. I ran to it, picked it up, and a note fell out.

I know no one is going to read this.
I'm sorry Error.
But I'll see you soon.

I looked down the giant hill with a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.
He was falling down the giant hill full of briars, bushes, and sticks.
He was falling, and hitting all of them.
I nearly tripped trying to climb down the hill to try and catch up to him. I had to dodge everything to try and speed up.
"Fell!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. "Fell! Get the heck back up here or I'll get you myself!"
He turned to the sound of my voice. I saw him smile, yet continued to fall. I almost started to fall with him when we reached the bottom. He had landed with a hard thud, while I landed on my feet, then fell. I quickly scrambled to my feet to get up and run over to him.
"Fell!" I screeched. Sticks and briars were sticking out of him like spears. I saw him smile again.
"I told you someone cares..." he said weakly before losing consciousness. I felt tears sting my eyes as I looked around worriedly. Then I pulled out my phone and called Ink.

Fell's POV

Someone cares...

I woke up with a start.
Where am I? I thought to myself.
I sat up. It was dark outside, probably around midnight. I was sitting in a bed.
Who's bed is this? Who's house is this?
I looked around the room. I saw someone in the chair near the corner, asleep.
It was Blueberry.
He saved my life.
But why?
He cares about me.
I smiled. He looked so cute while he was sleeping.
I suddenly saw his eyes flicker open. He rubbed his eyes sleepily.
"Fell...?" He said slowly. I smiled slightly as he attempted to get up. He staggered forward, then fell again.
"Blue..." I said softly, looking down at him. "Go to sleep. You're tired."
"And you're awake... I wanna make sure you're okay..." he said quietly.
"I'm fine, Blue. Go to sleep."
I watched as he slowly got up and slowly climb into the bed, snuggling next to me.
"B-Blue??" I said nervously. "What are you doing?"
"This is my bedroom, silly..." he said, drifting off to sleep.
I sat there awkwardly, then looked down at my bandages. They were everywhere, my arm, my leg, my skull...
I looked at Blue, who had wrapped his small arms around me.
He was so soft...
Suddenly, I felt tired again. I settled back under the covers and fell back asleep.

Blue... You saved my life...


Thank you.

I don't know whether or not to call this a short chapter or not, but ehhhhhhhh whatever.
I guess I just wanted this to be a chapter without Error or Ink (sorta).
CherryBerry Cootness (sorry if you don't ship CherryBerry)
I'm really tired.
It's Friday, 'Kay?
Oh well, hope you're enjoying the story!
-The Author

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