Chapter 22- Fighting Chance

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Fell's POV

When Error fainted, it became harder and harder to carry him outside. He was like a dead weight on my shoulder.
"Dude!" I grunted. "How much do you weigh?"
I knew he wouldn't answer, so I tried my best as I dragged him outside the building.
When I got there, I didn't know whether or not I should join the other three in the fight.
I decided they could handle it on their own. I sat and waited with Error to see if he would wake up.

Ink's POV

I'd like to say fighting a bad guy with your two best friends beside you would be easy. Like, video game easy.
But it's not.
It's definitely not.
We each took turns attacking, and sometimes we'd attack all at once. But somehow, he kept up. We didn't even hit him once. But we kept going. Then, mid-attack, I yelled as loud as I could. "Blue! Go get Fell and tell him to call the police!"
I saw him nod and run outside as fast as he could.
Even with the implied threat, Horror seemed unfazed. Dream and I kept fighting our hardest while our friend was away. Although we were doing well, I didn't quite dodge fast enough during one of his attacks. It grazed my cheek slightly, making it sting a bit. But I continued. When Blue got back, we were back to three on one.
"Now this is hardly fair," Horror slurred with a deadly smile on his face. I glared at him.
"You messed with the wrong skeletons," I hissed back.
Suddenly, the door burst open and the police came running in. Two of them apprehended Horror so that he was now on the ground. Undyne, the chief of police, came in and looked at the three of us. We knew her, she was also our part time gym teacher. We had two- Herself and one of the faculty. I always questioned why our gym teachers were a fish and a dog, but we were sentient skeletons, what was there to question?
But I'm getting sidetracked- Ms. Undyne came up to the three of us. We were bruised and sore.
"What happened here?" She asked. "When I heard one of my students on the line, I was already starting to worry. Then seeing another unconscious after being absent for a week? What happened?"
"Horror kidnapped him, ma'am," Dream said truthfully. "And Swapfell as well- they both hurt him. When we got here, he was already on the ground."
"But we got them!" Blue finished happily, although still breathing heavily.
"Oh, I don't think you got anyone."
We all turned to see Horror on the ground, still smiling like a madman.
"You especially didn't get me."
"Your position at this moment begs to differ, Sir," Undyne said with a grit in her voice. "And you have the right to remain silent."
"You are speaking the truth. But I do have the right to say one thing," he said. "Your position has no knowledge of why I did this."
His smile seemed to grow even bigger, if that was even possible.
"And you'll never know."

And just like that, he was gone.
Leaving all of the policemen confused, especially the two that had been holding Horror down, it was silent.
Undyne was the one to break it.
"He can't be far! Squad 4, go search for him!"
She turned to us three. "You must be tired, it's getting late. I'll tell the faculty that you had quite the traumatic experience and are being allowed to stay home for the day tomorrow. Tell your friend that when he wakes up." She smiled. "We'll take it from here! Have a safe trip home!"
And just like that, it was over. Or was it? We didn't know. But Ms. Undyne has been right- we were tired. So we went home.
Worried for Errors health, I refused to go to my house. So I stayed there with him at his bedside, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Error's POV

When I woke up, I was at home. I was in my bed, as if nothing had happened. But I saw Ink asleep near me, his head resting right next to my arm.
I couldn't help but smile. He was here, and safe. That was reassuring.
His eyes flickered open. He looked tired, but he immediately shot up when he saw me.
"Error! You're awake!"
The first thing I saw when he faced me was the cut on his cheek. "Are you alright?" I asked, secretly worried.
Ink just smiled. "I'm fine," he replied.
"Where are the others?"
"They went home. It's four in the morning, but Ms. Undyne is letting us skip school today so we can sleep."
We get to skip school?
Ms. Undyne came?
"You stayed," I said simply. "Why?"
"Because I wanted to be there when you woke up," Ink responded. "I was really worried about you. You were out for a while."
"Where did Horror go?" I had to know.
"He escaped," Ink said sadly. "Undyne sent a squad after him, but I never found out if they caught him."
"I'm just glad you're alive," Ink said, hugging me. I patted him on the back.
"Same to you."

After a few seconds, I hoisted Ink up onto my bed.
"W-what are you doing?!"
"Giving you a place to sleep."
"You thought I was going to let you sleep on the floor like that?"
"N-no, I just-"
"Quit complaining and just sleep, jeez."

As I lay myself back down onto the pillow, I felt a feeling of peace in my heart. I felt like we were safe, for now. I didn't have to worry about anything, and that's all I needed. I was glad Ink was there for me. I was glad the others were there for me too. But I felt a comfort I hadn't felt before when he was around. And it made me feel better about everything.
That's all that mattered at that moment. Nothing else.
Just me and Ink.

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