" Load them up!"

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" Suck My Nuts!"

Abe said before Negan brought his bat back down on Abe's head over and over. The blood pooled on the gravel with some of it splattering on my face with every swing he took.

"Did you hear that? He said suck my nuts! Man! He has some balls of steel! I like that !"

Trent was kneeling next to me and I was next to Abe's dead body.

"Look at this sweetheart! Look at what happens when you cross me! He looked at Trent and noticed that he was holding my hand.

"Is this your girl? The one that helped you escape? "

"Leave her out of this! She didn't steal it I did ! I did it alone with no help from her !"

"So, she means a lot to you? That is kind of cute! I guess if I kill her then it will be more then a punishment for you then huh ?"

"Please! Don't kill her! Kill me! Only me! Let her go!"

Negan smirks and rubs his chin with his hand contemplating his next move.

"Alright! I won't kill her! In fact, I won't kill you either ! If, I get something in return ."

My heart beats faster wondering what he wants.

"I will do whatever you want! " I yelled out trying to save Trent's life.

Negan chuckles lifting me up off my knees and kisses my hand.

"I guess that means you will accept being my wife then ?"

I swallowed hard before coming closer to him.

." Yes ."

Negan smiles an evil smile and looks down at Trent." Dwight! Load him up! He needs to get the Iron when we get back ." He then looks at me ." What's your name sweetheart ?" Addison ." I replied quickly ." That is a beautiful name ." You, my dear, need to head to the truck while I finish this crap here ." I was lead away by a man with a curly mustache and balding head. He helped me in the truck and I trembled as I sat in the truck wishing this was just a nightmare.

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now