" A deal is a deal sweetheart."

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Loneliness consumes me as the days pass. I try to pass the time watching tv or reading but even that isn't enough. I miss Trent and my friends back at Alexandria. I push myself off my couch to look out my window. The rain is coming down in heavy sheets beating against my window. I

place my palm on the glass feeling the coldness of the weather against my skin. want to stand in the rain . I know it's a bad idea but I used to love doing that as a kid. I mumbled to myself as I moved away from the window to grab my umbrella. I found it a couple days ago in the market. It's dark purple with a silver handle that fits perfectly in my small hands.

I open my door to leave but I am stopped by Negan. He has Lucile propped on his shoulder with a huge smile on his face ." Hey Addison, how is my favorite new wife ?"

I placed my hand on my hip ." I am fine. I just want to go outside ."

Why would you want to do that? It's pouring outside and besides, you still owe me that sex tape ."

I used my umbrella to push his arm out of the doorway so I could get by ." I said I would do that when I am ready. I am not ready yet ."

Negan moved closer to me backing me against the wall. His hot breath fanning my face ." I won't wait forever. I don't rape that shit is a big hell no here, but I do expect you to hold up your end of the deal. I did what you asked of me. I am a man of my word. A deal is a real sweetheart. Are you going to hold up your

"I will I promise ."

Negan reached out his arm pulling me towards him ." I hope so. I don't mind punishing Trent ."

Asshole ." I mumbled as I walked down the hall and down a flight of stairs. I pushed open the door and opened my umbrella. The cool air caressed my skin while he heavy rain drenched the ground.

I heard the water splashing behind me alerting me that someone was approaching me. I turned around to see Trent. He was holding his gun as he walked around on guard duty. His eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep and his face had small hairs on it from not shaving. He looked horrible. His chapped lips part as he leans against the same wall as me. He grabs his lighter out of his pocket then places a cigarette between his lips. Small puffs of smoke fill the air before he speaks

"I miss you. I can't sleep or eat anymore. I know I hurt you by what I said. I hated saying it but I knew I had too. We can't be together and it kills me ."

I grabbed his box of cigarettes from his hand then took one out for myself. He gave me the lighter so I could join him. I brought it to my lips breathing in the horrible chemicals then releasing white smoke from my lungs.

"I miss you too. I hate this situation we are in. I would do anything to be back in your arms. My mind had tried to come up with a way out but I come up empty each time. He would make me watch as he struck you with that damn bat. "

I spat as I released more smoke in the air. Trent's face softness as he looks at me.

"Is he good to you? He hasn't hurt you has he ?"

I shook my head ." No, he hasn't hurt me."

Trent lowers his head then brings it back up ." If you don't do what he wants somebody will pay. I am betting it will be me. If he does hurt me don't hate yourself for it. I would rather be hurt then watch you suffer ."

"I won't let him hurt you ."

I tossed my cigaret on the ground then walked back inside. I walked down the hall to Megan's room. I clutched my fingers in a fist then knocked on the door. I heard heavy steps walking then the door swung open." Have a nice chat with Trent ?"

He asks with a hint of agitation in his voice. I walked in then gently sat on his bed ." Do you want to talk about Trent? Or do you want to make your sex tape ?"

His face becomes dark with lust as he walks over to his closet. He pulls the camera out then turns it on.

"Let's make this sex tape ."

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now