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Addison's P.O.V.

The annual festival is tonight and the first stage of our plan begins. A big smile spreads across my face as I think of the freedom we will soon have. All the days of being watched and people whispering will soon end after tonight.

All the communities gather one night every harvest and eat together in the large barn at the hilltop. We have some games, pony rides, and a lot of delicious food. Rick always invites me and my daughter to come, and Faith enjoys it immensely.

It's the perfect time to have everyone in the same place and time. Making it easy for us to achieve our goal. The oven dings, alerting me that my pies are done. The delicious smell of apple pies fills my house, making me even more excited.

My front door springs allowing my husband and energetic daughter inside. " Hey, baby, I see your pies turned out delicious. I know old Rick and piss patrol are going to enjoy those." He says sorry, as he kissed my forehead.

" Yes, they will. Rick always wants my pies. I am always to bring the pies and lemonade. Are you sure you will be able to handle things while I am gone?"

Negan smirks as he was his arms around my delicate frame.

" I already have everything in place. All you have to do is go to that fair and have fun. You have been storing up the all I asked for right?"

I give a firm nod, as I gently glide my hand along his hairy arm. Negan's beard tickles my neck, as he leaves soft kisses down my neck.

" You have to stop that. I need to finish this pie crust so I can put these last two pies in."

" Fine. I am going to love the look on Ricks' face as he suffers in those damn cells. He can take is self-righteous bullshit and shove it right up his ass."

" He won't be there for long. His public death will be a warning for all who try to come against us. People will fear the saviors again.

They will learn to either follow the rules or die. No more leniency, its what got us in this mess in the first place." I reply sarcastically.

My husband's grin is not missed as he whistles as my statement. " Damn baby girl. Youre naughty talk is making me so hard right now. I love it, baby."

His hard member presses firmly into my lower back, showing me just how turned on he is. His large hand's trail down my sides, as he nestles his chin on my neck.

" I am ready for a new start. We can't keep living under his rule. I want our child to be able to grow in a safe world. One where he or she, isn't always worried about who will harm them.

I know what we have to do is going to be hard, but when it's over, we can celebrate with all our people. They will be able to have their leader back and seek justice for all the deaths of our men. Rick started this war, and now, we will finish it." I grit out.

" I will have our men ready to enforce the next steps in our plan as soon as the flare is shot. Then we will know to arrive and help you with removing the bodies."

" If we have their weapons, then we can kill anyone who turns. Make sure the men are ready to fight if necessary."

" I will baby. This will go as planned. I can feel it. Nobody will know what the hell hit them. Just like when they killed my men in their sleep."

I pulled away to place my pies in the oven. The seven other pies, sit by the window, cooling off for tonight. So much is riding on this to work. Only time will tell if it actually does.

I keep adjusting the temperature on this old truck, trying to keep cool. The warm air makes it hard for me to keep from sweating.

" Mommy, are we almost to the party?"  My daughter asks sweetly.

" Yes baby, now remember what I told you. You are to play with Judith inside the barn.  I don't want you leaving my side tonight."

My daughter's lip pouts slightly, as he nods at my words.

" You will have fun baby. I promise."  Say softly, trying to reassure her.

" We are here. Now, go tell uncle Rick to help me unload these pies."

" Okay, mommy."

Her tiny feet run to the barn, eager to see her little friends. I gently open the tailgate and begin to lift the tarp covering my hard work.

" Hey, Addison, I see you have delivered again. These pies look amazing" Rick states happily.

I give a brief smile and begin handing him the pies. After several trips, the pies and lemonade jugs, are all safely inside ready to be eaten.

I grab my radio and hide it in my jacket to be used later tonight. I search the crowds trying to spot my daughter only to see her playing with Judith as I asked.

The members of all the communities each gather inside, ready enjoy the bountiful amount of food.  The large amounts of meat, vegetables, and baked goods are an enjoyable sight.

Once everyone has a plate, Maggie stands on the stage, about to address the crowd. She takes the microphone into her hand, then opens her mouth to speak.

"I am grateful you all came here today. The time we get with each other is precious, and we should treat it that way. If this world teaches us one thing its that we can't take each other for granted. We never know when it might be our last time to see one another. I hope you all enjoy your food. I want to thank everyone who made it. Enjoy everyone."

Applause for their leader bounces off the wooden walls, along with cheers for her good health.

I sit beside my daughter watching her play chess with Judith. I am glad she has a friend in her. She needs friends her age to play with.

The loud chatter of people talking fills the open space, as all the resident's eat and drink with each other. I check my watch, knowing soon their merriment will end.

After a few more minutes of chatter, the body's begin to fall in their seats. One, by one panic, arises, as each person falls over, and soon the room is silent.

I pick up my radio, with a sick smile on my face.

" Hey, baby, it's time. They are all out."

" I am heading there now baby. See you soon."

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now