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The dark walls were all I could see in my tiny prison. The small bed in the corner was the only piece of furniture down here. My heart sank as I realized Trent was the reason I was stuck here alone.

Betrayal, sadness, and anger enveloped every facet of my emotions. My fingers dug into the soft blanket beneath me, as I gazed up at the dirty ceiling above me.

Small specks of dust cling to the mildew infested wood above me, explaining why the room smelled so musty.

My eyes jerked to a small clink noise behind me, alerting me I am not alone here. My heart began to race, while my eyes stayed glued to noise.

A flash of gray fur blurred across the floor as a tiny mouse squeaked into a small hole, allowing me to breathe again.

" Oh my god! I am so glad that was a stupid mouse, and not something worse." I muttered to myself, as my heart rate began to slow down to a steady rhythm.

Time seemed to pass slowly, as I had no way of knowing if it was night or day. Or how many days I had been down here.

I jerked the quilt of my body then made my way to the door. The old brass handle was barely visible in this dark abyss but a low amount of light crept from under the door, aiding me in my desire for escape.

My hands gripped the handle with all the force I had, as I desperately tried to open the old door. My body pressed against it hoping it would help, but it reminded unfazed by my efforts.

The wood mocked me in my attempt, standing firm in its resolve to keep me where Trent left me. Beads of sweat formed on my brow, leaving traces of water down my face. Salty tears coursed down my cheeks, as I slumped in defeat.

" I can't stay here! I won't let them kill Negan!" I yelled emphatically, as my fist connected to the door. Jolts of pain coursed through my sore hand, making me hold it to my chest in agony.

My eyes lifted to the ceiling once again, as anger began to bubble I side of me." Why? Why did he have to do this? I can't stay here forever! How long will he keep me here? Have they already killed Negan? Is Negan looking for me? Does he even know I am gone?"

The sound of heavy steps approaching the door instantly filled me with hope. 

" Help! Help Me, please! "  I begged as the door began to rattle, then creep open. A large figure emerged from the darkness and slipped on the bright light above me.

" Addison? Why are you down here? Why aren't you with Negan? " Jerry asked, as he walked up to me. With a look of shock on his face.

My feet lept from the bed eager to escape from this here. " Trent locked me in here and said he was going to Alexandria. Did he leave already? Have they hurt Negan?"

" Woah, slow down. I do know Trent left hours ago. We are actually about to head to Alexandria as reinforcements. If you want you can come with us, well, if the king says its okay."

" Take me to king Ezekiel. I need to leave here and get back to Negan. People will die if I am not there to reign Negan in."

Jerry looked at me skeptically, before turning on his heal to leave. " Come on let's get out of here. I hate basements, they give me the creeps."

" Thank you, Jerry." A small smile spread across my face, as I followed him out of this hell hole. The bright sunlight blinded me temporarily, as I walked on the hard earth.

King Ezekiel stood with his pet tiger by his side. His long dreadlocks shone in the bright light, as he gathered his men for war.

" My king, I need to speak to you."

Ezekiel's head turned in our direction and warm smile greeted me.

" Addison, it is good to see you. I am confused though, I was told you were among the savior's ranks. That Negan  had imprisoned you."

I shook my head, at this horrible rumor. Sure I was taken, but never treated badly, or put in a cell. Negan had never hurt me, he had taken care of me.

" What you have heard is only half true, I was taken, but not kept a prisoner. I need to get to Alexandria. I know Ricks planning on taking Negan out, and I need to be there." I left out the part where I needed to get back to  Negan. I knew full well, he wouldn't help me in that endeavor.

" I am more than happy to assist you. Please join us, and see justice served to the saviors."

" Thank you, your majesty."

I climbed into the truck with king Ezekiel and the rest followed closely behind us. The tall metal gates were a welcomed sight for me, as we parked just outside the gate.

My feet ran inside the suburb eager to be reunited to Negan. Saviors littered the streets separating the captives into groups.

My heart was beating rapidly, as I clung to my gun on my hip. Negan stood at the head of a circle, with three captives in front of him. Trent, Carl, and Rick all knelt awaiting their fates.

Negan crouched down, whispering in Ricks' face. Ricks face twisted with rage, as he spoke something back.

" Negan! " I yelled, instantly making head jerk my way.

" Addison? " He said almost not believing what he saw.

I ran to him, colliding my body into his. " I am so happy you're alive." He spoke softly, as he gently kissed my head.

I lifted my hews to meet his amber eyes, brimming with tears.

" What do you mean? Who said I was dead?"

" That asshole Trent did." Negan spat venomously.

My firm gaze traveled to my former lover, as he sat on his knees. His rage-filled gaze wasn't missed, as he looked up at me.

" How could you lie to him?"

" I did it for us! He doesn't deserve you, Addison! I do! Not him!"

I was about to speak when a loud roar filled the air. I jumped back, as Sheva tore into a poor savior back.

Negan took my hand in his, and we ran for the trucks, eager to go back home. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Negan yelled as we both ran for our lives.

We almost make it to the gate when a pair of strong arms pulls me into a hard chest. " Not so fast!" Trent's voice roared. He held a gun to my head, stopping Negan in his tracks.

" You let her fucking go asshole!"

" Not happening. She stays with me and you die. That's how this goes."

Negans nostrils flared as he glared at Trent.

" I am going to fucking kill you!" Negan yelled in a deadly rage.

" As long as you die first. I don't care."

We stood in a deathly silence, as neither of them made a move. My heart was beating rapidly, as the cold metal sunk against my skull.

" Negan please just leave. Don't worry about me. Just get out of here!" I pleaded.

Negans face curved
with a wicked smile, as he looked at Trent. " Hell is waiting for you. Say hello to Satan for me."

A loud shot whizzed past my ear, followed by Trent's body slumping to the ground.  I glanced behind me,  watching Simon grinning behind me.

" Now, let's get the fuck out of here."

I took Negan's hand in mine and left this war zone behind. Negan pulled my face to him, crashing his lips on mine.

" I have missed you, baby, girl. When I thought you were dead, I lost my damn mind. Don't ever leave me again ."  His voice pleaded as he gazed at me with a worried expression on his face.

My lips formed a small smirk, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

" So I guess you missed me huh?"

"More than you fucking know. Now let's get home."

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now