Broken hearts

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Ambers boyfriend Mark got the iron for skipping out on redirect duty and meeting up with Amber. I can still hear his screams as the hot iron was pressed against his face. I know how it feels to see the man you love hurt like that. I keep glancing at the clock wondering when Negan will be back. He said he was setting up something for my punishment.

I kept rubbing my hands along my legs trying to ease the tension in my body. I tried reading or watching tv but nothing was able to distract me. My ears soon hear heavy steps approaching the door followed by the door opening. Negan has Lucile resting on his shoulder as he walks in.

His smirk on his face tells me he is excited for this event to take place. He lets out a heavy sigh as he steps in front of me.

"I have your punishment set up. I know this will be hard for you, but I need you to follow the rules. You cannot look away from this and you can't say anything until the punishment is over. If you break any of the rules, somebody dies. Do I make myself clear ?"

I lifted my head meeting his firm gaze ." I understand Negan. I won't give you a reason to kill anyone ."

"Dam, I love that mouth of yours ."

He reaches out his hand for me to take then lifts me up from my seat. He links our arms as he opens the door then slams it behind us. The hallways are clear and full of an eerie silence. The only light being the few light bulbs scattered along the walls.

My heels clicking is the only sound as we walk down a set of stairs. We make our way to the second level where a lot of Saviors rooms are. We stop at the end of the hall to the last door on the left. Negan knocks on the door with Lucile sending shivers down my spine. The door opens with a grinning Simon standing in the doorway.

"Welcome, come have a seat ."

He gestures to a couch that is located against the wall near a large plain of glass. On the other is dark, with no way to see in.

"Ladies first my dear ."

I sit down careful to not let my dress hike up. Negan plops down then places Lucile against the wall. " Simon go ahead and leave. You can start the show ."

Simon smirks as he walks out then enters the dark room. The light turns on revealing Trent tied to a chair. My heart race quickness and my body tenses as I wait for this nightmare to unfold. My lips part to speak but are quickly snapped shut as I remember the rules. Simon walks over to a table and grabs a camera.

He switches it on then holds it in front of Trent's face. The video shows mine and Negans sexual encounter. Tears flood my eyes as I see the hurt on his face. He tries looks away but Simon slaps him harshly. Trent grits his teeth as he watches every minute of the video. I tried to get up to bang on the glass but Negan kept his firm hold on me. I wanted this to end but I knew if I protested someone would die. I tried to steady my breaths as I watched Trent's heartbreak.

Tears flooded his eyes and left streaks down his face. I knew this was my fault. I knew this wouldn't have happened if I had not kept that secret for Amber. I hated myself for causing Trent this pain. The camera was finally slammed shut and Trent was untied. Negan smiled as Trent was taken out of the room and brought in the room with us. Simon slammed the door behind them as they came in. Trent kept his head down as Negan chuckled.

"Did you like the show? It was amazing, wasn't it? I mean this woman is amazing in bed! I bet you know that all too well! Don't you Trent? "

Trent said nothing angering Negan ." Speak when spoken too!" Negan roared

"I don't remember. "

Trent's voice came out shaky. It was laced with hurt as he kept his gaze on the ground.

"Simon, take him to the box. I think he needs a time out ."

Simon jerked Trent's arm and lead him out of the room. A heavy silence fell over the room and for a moment not a word was spoken.

"You did well Addison. I hope you learned a lesson today. I don't ever want to have to do that again ."

I couldn't hold my tongue anymore. I jolted up clenching my fist at my side

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy making him watch that! "

I yelled as I banged my fist against the glass. " I did a little, but it had to happen. You have to learn to follow my rules ."

He spoke firmly as he tried to approach me.

"Stay the hell away from me !"

I yelled as I jerked open the door and ran away. I ran up the steps and made my way to the roof. I crumbled to the floor letting my tears fall freely. Hours past and the sun soon vanished. The moon rose in the sky as the night sky made its appearance. The heavy door opened followed by the sound of heavy boots. I felt strong arms wrap around me then pull me close. I could tell by the leather jacket who it was. A heavy sigh escaped his lips.

"I am sorry ."

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now