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Two years later.

Addison's P.O.V.

I smile as I see my little girl playing in the yard. Little Faith is such a good girl, and she loves her daddy. Negan isn't allowed past the lawn, and guards on either side of my home ensure this is enforced. The past two years have been hard for me, but planning my revenge makes it worthwhile.

The loyal saviors have been helping in various jobs, earning some trust among Ricks group. Rick allows me to help about Alexandria, but most of the people still don't trust me. It's evident in every glance, the holding of their weapons close as if I mean to take it from them, kill them where they stand.

Trent is one of the only ones that try to see me weekly. He thinks I will come back to him in order to change my status here. Saddique was able to help him with a simple surgery on his back. Now, Trent can walk, not very fast yet, but soon he will be back to normal.

I can see Trent waking slowly down the sidewalk like he does every day, hoping today I will change my mind.

" Addison, how are you today?" Trent asks smoothly.

I keep my eyes on my daughter, and Negan, not bothering to make eye contact.

" I am fine Trent. You need to quit coming here. It makes Negan angry, and I don't feel well right now. I can't handle trying to keep him from doing something."

" I know you think things will change own day. That Negan will be trusted, and everything will work out. It won't happen! Rick would never accept him.

You used to be a part of this group. Someone who loved me, and even helped me, escape, Negan. Now, you live with the bastard!"

" He saved me!" I yelled as I pushed him to the ground.

" Negan was there for me, not any of you. Don't act like your some innocent person in this whole shit storm Trent.

You stole from him, and put our entire community at risk. I helped you because you were a good man back then, but now, you're a coward. You drugged and kidnapped me. You put me in a basement and left me there.

You hide behind your version of morality like some pompous asshole while trying to make me feel bad for being loyal?

" I was hoping I could convince you to leave him. Staying with him is not good for you. You need to heal from what you have been through. I can help with that. I know what it's like to feel helpless."

" Shut your damn mouth! You don't know shit about being raped, Trent. It's not the same as suffering from not being able to walk for a little while."

" Look, I am sorry. Your right, I am sorry. Please Addison, just think about it. We could be happy again. I know we could if you would just try. "

With that, he left, again, making me wish I could just kill him. I try to not let him upset me, but lately, it's easy for him to do. Negan stops playing with Faith and walks up, holding our daughter close.

" Will he ever give up? He makes it so damn hard for me to not kill him. If I had Lucille, I would bash his fucking head in."

My daughter scrunches her nose, as he hears her daddy swear.

" Daddy, you said a bad word."

" That right Negan, you did. I guess you have to sit in the naughty chair." I giggle, as I touch my little girl's nose.

Negan rolls his eyes, as he kisses her tiny head.

" I am sorry baby girl. That ass-, I mean dude, makes me grumpy. Why don't we go inside and eat some lunch?"

" I need to go see Siddique, I still can't shake this stomach flu. I need to see if he has any medicine to help. "

" Alright, you go ahead. We will be waiting for you."

I kiss Negan goodbye, then head to Ricks house to see our doctor. I open the door, to see Rick playing with Judith. His daughters  smile warms my heart, as I shut the door. The father's head turns and smiles as he sees me.

" Hey, Addison. Did you come to talk? Or see our fine doctor?" He asks playfully.

" I am here to see the doctor. I haven't felt well lately. I am hoping you found medicine when you guys left yesterday?"

" We did find some stuff, but I am not sure what. Just ask him, and I am sure he will help you."

" Thanks, Rick." I smile slightly, trying to avoid  anymore small talk.

Once I entered the clinic, the young doctors face lights up.

" Hey, are you here for anyone in particular?"

" I keep throwing up. I am not sure why? I mean I have eaten the same stuff as everyone else, and nobody else is sick."

" Alright, well, what are your other symptoms?"

" I have been tired, and emotional, but, I don't think they are connected. Are they?"

The sweet man hands me a pregnancy test and orders me to pee on it. I am not sure if he is right, but if he is, I am a little excited. I have always wanted to be a mom, and giving Negan a child would be wonderful.

I pee on the stick and carry it out with me. My doctor takes it, and glances at it, with a worried look on his face.

" Well, you're pregnant. I know this is bad timing, but it's positive."

" I am glad. I want to give him a child. Thanks for the good news."

" I wouldn't say good news. It's dangerous to have a child in this world."

" This world needs us to re-populate it. So stop with all the negative stuff. I am going to tell Negan."

"Here are some vitamins for you. They came from the sanctuary, and I am sure you want a healthy baby."

" Thanks."

I walk out, and head for my home, eager to tell my husband the news. The cool air caresses my skin, as I walk up the wooden steps.

" Hey, I am home. Negan?"

" I am in here," he says quietly.

I notice Jed, and a few other saviors, standing by Negan, with serious faces.

" What's wrong?"

" We found Justin, dead on the side of the road. Along with Arat, and Steven. We think those oceanside chicks, are picking us off."

" Well, If that's true, then our plan needs to move up," Negan says calmly.

I give a firm nod, agreeing with him.

" Then it's settled. We will attack in three days."

The crowd disperses, leaving us alone. Negan walks up, wrapping his strong arms around me.

" I have a surprise for you," I say softly.

" What's that?"

" We're having a baby."

My excited husband turns me around and kisses me passionately.

" A baby? Really?"

I shake my head yes, as small tears fall down my cheeks.

" We will win this, and raise our children free from all this bullshit."

" Just a few more days, love, then we will be free."

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now