Forever With You. Last Chapter.

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Addison's P.O.V.

The summer sun begins to peak through my window, announcing this day is about to start. Birds sing their melodies as animals scurry along the forest floor. My feet dangle off the ledge, as I sit here on the roof. I can't help but think how blessed I am for my life.

I was so sure after what Simon did to me, I would never be happy. I held so much anger in my heart, it burned my soul. I also angry with Rick, blaming him for not helping me either. It all changed one day when I had a talk with father Gabriel. He helped me understand what forgiveness really is.

It's been a few months since we got back here, and life has been good. The Saviors have rebuilt bringing security to our lives. I finally feel safe, knowing my children can grow up with their father.

Today, is an important day, Negan and I will find out what we are having. I can't wait to have this baby already, as each day passes, it's more difficult to move. Carrying a heavy bowling ball around is not easy in this heat is not easy.

My shirt sticks to my hot skin, as patches of sweat liter my clothing. My hand almost drops the water bottle, as I struggle with the cap. The cool water soothes my burning throat, giving me a brief reprieve from this heat.

Heavy boots stomp onto the burning concrete, creating dust clouds around me. A dark shadow moves closer, blocking a little bit of the sun. 

" I thought you might be up here. It's too  damn hot to sit in the sun." The deep voice of my husband informs me.

I crane my neck up, and place my hand over eyes, trying to block out some of the bright light.

" I just wanted a moment to think. It's so noisy with all the people scurrying around this place. Nobody knows about this roof, except me and you. So it's the perfect place for me to be alone."

Negan lowers himself beside me, resting his lean body against mine. He places hit bat on the ledge while keeping his gaze on the forest.

" It doesn't seem real to me sometimes."

What for he mean?

"What doesn't?"  I ask, unsure what he means.

" Us being back here. I am thankful we are, but it almost feels like a dream. Sometimes I think I will wake up, and I will be in a cell, under that pricks rule." He comments dryly.

My hand reaches his shoulder, rubbing small circles on his back.

" We made it through all that hell with Simon and Rick.  Our story has been hell, but we are together now, and that's all that matters."

" I hate that Simon hurt you. I wish I could have saved you from him." He laments.

" It wasn't your fault. I am not angry anymore Negan. I let it go, and you should too."

" I just feel so responsible for it. If I had been able to see through Simon's shit, then none of it would have happened."

How can he think it's his fault? It's Simons, not Negans.

I gently grab his jaw, turning his face towards me. His amber eyes hold so much hurt and regret, making my heart feel heavy.

" It was not your fault. You aren't god Negan. There is no way you could have prevented anything. So stop blaming yourself, and let it go. We have a life to live, and I need you to be fully here with me.  I can't do this alone."

The soft leather of his glove cools my skin, as he caresses my cheek. His eyes soften, as regret washed over his face.

" I am here. You won't have to handle this alone. I know I have made you feel that way, but I don't want too.  Getting this place back in shape has been difficult, and also, trying to keep Ricks people in line.  I hope eventually they will fall in line, or we might have to send them away."

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now