The cell

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The long drive to the sanctuary seems like forever ago, in truth, it was two days ago. I haven't seen Trent or Daryl since we arrived here. I know they are in cells somewhere which breaks my heart.

Negan has kept a guard outside my room some heavy set guy named Joey. I have tried to keep myself from going crazy thinking about Trent and Daryl but I can't so I am going to see if I can find out where they are. I opened my door and see Joey standing there eating a sandwich.

"Hey, um can you tell me where my two friends are that came here with me ?"

Joey spits out his food looking sacred.

"I, I, can't. Negan would be upset if I told ."

I moved closer placing my right hand on his shoulder.

"Please help me. I just want to talk to them for a moment ."

Joey looks down shuffling his feet and scratching the back of his head.

"I would love to help you but I can't. Maybe if you ask Negan he will let you see them. "

"Okay. Do me a favor and act like you didn't see me leave ?"

He shakes his head ." I can't do that ."

I groaned in irritation and turned to walk back to my room when I saw Dwight taking Daryl down the hallway. I ran down the hall making my heels click loudly.

"Daryl !"

He turned his face to me showing the lack of sleep and bruises that littered his face ." Oh, My God! Are you okay ?"

"Don't talk to him !" Dwight snapped.

"Please just let me talk to him for a minute ."

"I said don't talk to him !"

Anger boiled inside of me ." You can't tell me what to do you piece of shit! Last I checked your not .."

"He's not who?"

Negan says as he walks up to us.

"Your little soldier boy is yelling at me! He thinks he can tell me what to do !"

Negan shifts his gaze to Dwight.

"That true Dwight boy? You yelling at my fiancé ?"

Dwight looks down before making eye contact with Negan.

"I simply told her not to speak to the prisoner sir. I meant no disrespect ."

"See my Dwight boy didn't mean any harm. You, my dear, are supposed to be in your room. I know it must be hard being in there so I will let you hang out with the other wives. It's time you met them, besides they can get you ready for our wedding ."

"Are you serious? We actually have to get married ?"

Negan smiled as he touched my bare shoulder ." Of course! I don't just use my women ! I marry them because I am a stand-up guy ."

"So, when is this taking place ?"

He smiled as he rubbed my chin with his hand ." Tonight ."

"What if I don't want to get married ?"

Negan leans in his breath fanning my face ." Don't test me, baby. Either this happens or I kill Trent. The choice is yours ."

I swallowed hard and found my courage ." If I can see Daryl and Trent then I will do it ."

Negan pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear ." I will let you see them as a wedding present ." 

"Fine ."

"Lest go see them and then get married ." 

He took my hand and lead me down a long hallway and down a flight of stairs. He opens a metal door and the smell hits me making me feel sick.

What I see horrifies me. I see them both covered in vomit and dirt. They are both in white sweats with a painted A on the front.

"You boys have a visitor ."

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now