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Addison's P.O.V.

The clock ticks slowly,  making me aware of its presence. Every second that passes send my anxiety higher, and higher.

My hands rub against my bare legs,  my tense muscles ache with nervousness, as I sit here in this chair.
Negan insisted on talking to Sasha alone, which I heavily protested.

I glanced down at my nails noticing how bad they look.

I need to quit biting my nails.

The loud cell door opens revealing Negans smiling face. His hand rests gently on Lucille,  as he walks out. He slams the door behind him, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

" What happened?"

" She told me that she came here to talk to me. Apparently, Rick has been planning to overthrow me. He has been gathering weapons and made some allies with the other groups as well as Jadis. She also said that most of the people don't agree with his plan

Sasha said she doesn't want any more death, so I made her a deal. She agreed to help me clip Ricks plan in exchange for me not killing a lot of people. Also, she agreed to join me, and be helping train my men. "

My jaw slacked, not believing what I was hearing. " She agreed to join you? I don't believe that he has to have an angle. Sasha lost the love of her life, she wouldn't just join the man that killed him. "

Negan chuckled,  as he leaned against the back wall." I know that, and I don't trust her necessarily yet. That's where you come in. "

He pointed Lucille at me, annoying me slightly.

" What do you mean?"

" I need you to find out if  your old Alexandrian pal is full of shit, or if she means to keep her fucking word."

Is he serious?

I crossed my arms over my chest, hile glaring at him. " I am not some spy, that you can use any time you wish. "  If he thinks I would sell out my old group for him, he is dead wrong.

" Last I checked you are my wife, nd should do as I say. Now, fucking find this shit out, or I won't hesitate to kill her."

My mind debated back and forth, trying to gauge if he meant what he said. Finally,  I tried playing his game.

I twirled my fingers through my hair,  as I puffed out my exposed chest.

" You right dear husband, I am your wife. Since I am, you should know this. If you kill her, I will make sure you never get any sex from me.

I am sure by looking at the bulge of your pants, that you would be miserable. Especially since I am your only wife now." 

My voice was dripping with seduction. My tongue lapped over my bottom lip, enticing him even more. His hand clenched his bat, turning his knuckles white.

" Fine. If she backstabs me in the fucking back, then she will die. And don't even think about denying me sex.  Your mine now. No second chances. Unless you want Trent dead."

His voice was laced with anger. His shoulders moved forward, as he walked off.  Leaving me angry, and worried.

I have to find out if she is for real, or if she fulfilling a plan. She won't die if I can help it.

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now