Time away

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My eyes are heavy as I sit here in the truck, watching the trees. My fingers drum against my door handle as I lean my head against the back of my seat.

I let out a huff as I skip to the next song on the cd.

"I liked that song !"

I rolled my eyes as I tilted my head to the side.

"Oh please! You don't like romance songs and you know it!"

He put his hand over his heart acting like he was hurt by words.

"I do too! I used to listen to that shit all the time when .."

He dropped himself before going any further. The atmosphere in the car suddenly changed as he let out a loud sigh.

"I was married before all this. Her name was Lucile, I loved her with all my heart. "

My heart sank at his words, knowing how hard it must be to lose someone you love.

"What happened to her ?"

He gripped the steering wheel with his hands, as he thought about his next sentence.
"Lucile was sick, she had cancer and she died not too long after this started ."

I moved closer to him.

"I am sorry that you lost her. I am sure that was not easy to see her suffer like that ."

He rubbed his chin with his hand brushing his fingers over his beard.

"You remind me of her. Your eyes have the same look of hope in them that hers had. When you're mad you crinkle your nose like she did, and when you smile you light up the room ."

He traced his finger from the top of my eyebrow to my chin.

"You are so beautiful you know that ?"

I looked down trying to hide my blush.

"Thank you. "

I cleared my throat as I adjusted back to my seat.

"So, where are we going?"

"I told you, it's a surprise, but we are almost there ."

I crossed my arm over my chest pouting slightly. Negan laughed as he placed his hand on my leg.

"You keep pouting like that and I might have to punish you ."

I pushed his hand away as I placed my elbow on near the window.

"I thought the whole of point of this was to make up for you doing that in the first place ."

He frowned at my words as we turned down an old dirt road.

"Why did we leave the way ?"

." You will see ."

We came to a large metal gate that had a lock on it.

"will go unlock it, you wait here ."

"Okay ."

He climbed out of the truck then pulled out a set of keys from his pocket. He inserted the key releasing the lock then pushed the gate to the side.

He climbed back in to pull the truck once we were inside, he placed the lock back on the gate back. We drove about a mile down the bumpy dirt road until we came to an old farmhouse.

I was instantly excited about it as the truck came to a stop

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I was instantly excited about it as the truck came to a stop. I looked over at Negen smiling as I pointed at it.

"Are we staying here ?"

Yes, we are. I found it a couple weeks ago and cleaned it out. I figured we could stay here a few days and get away from all the stress. Do you like it ?"

." I love it !"

Negan smiled as he opened the car door then came to my side to open it for me.

"I will show you around ."

He took my hand in his as we walked up the steps. We walked in and both quiet as I took it all in.

"This is so beautiful!"

We walked into the living room enjoying the soft colors of the home. The living room is a soft yellow that has brown couches and a beautiful wooden bookcase. Negen leads me to our room opening the door to a perfect room.

"Is this all ours ?"

He nods as he leans against the door frame.

do you like it ?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck then kissed his cheek.

"I love it."

He pressed his forehead against mine letting his breath fan my face.

"I am glad. "

He leaned in softly kissing me. He then pulled away smiling.

Let's go unload then we can make some dinner ."

I linked my band in his as we made our way to the truck.

Maybe this will be a really fun time after all.

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Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now