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The cold wind whipped against my skin, as I sit here alone. I don't know why he has to kill Trent.

Maybe I can stop that.

I pushed myself up off the ground and walked back inside. Warm air and dim lighting beckon me into its embrace. My feet pat against the hard floor, while I walk up to his room.

Offering a deal like this will come at a cost, and I hope I can pay it. Negan wants me to fully be his, and to that, I have to let Trent go. I twist the doorknob, opening it slightly to see Negan awake. His face is highlighted by the small lamp by his bed, while his eyes gaze over an old photo book.

" Negan, can we talk ?"

His eyes lift up, showing off the pain.
" I think we should. "

I shut the door behind me and says own beside him on the bed.

" I know you want me to be yours, and not just as a wife, but really be yours. I am willing to offer myself, body and loyalty, in exchange for Tents life. Let him live with the garbage people if that will make you happy, but just let him live. "

My voice cracked, as I placed my hand on his, intertwining our fingers. His hand gave mine a gentle squeeze, as he looked at me. " I don't want you to be miserable, but I am too selfish to live without you. The fucking thought of his hands on you irritates the shit out of me, so I am willing to take the deal. He has to never be around you again, if he promised me that, then I will spare his life. "

Tears flooded my eyes, running down my cheeks. " I may still love him, but I am willing to try and love you. What's in the photo book?"

Negan handed it over, allowing me to look inside. It had pictures of him and his wife before the world ended. My fingers traced over the happy smiles, warming my heart.

" This was her?" I asked, pointing to a beautiful brunette standing next to him.

" That was her before she got sick. I loved her so much, and she loved me. I didn't deserve her, I fucking cheated on her, and she didn't deserve that. When she died, I couldn't kill her when she turned. I stood there, watching her lifeless body struggle against the cords of the hospital bed, and I was too much of coward to put her out of her misery. I failed her. I couldn't save her ."

No, you didn't you loved her.

" I am sorry. You can't keep carrying this, that eats at a person's soul. I know you loved her, despite you cheating on her. I am sure she knows that. Promise me something, if I am yours, no cheating, and no other wives. "

His eyes filled with tears, which he quickly wiped away. " I can do that, but if I do, you are mine for real. No going back. You would have passed the point of no return. "

" I understand that. "

I laid my head on his chest. " I hope when we arrive in Alexandria tomorrow, it all goes well. I don't want any more death. "

A loud gunshot jolts me off his chest.
" What is that?"

Negan pushed me off and grabbed Lucille. " Stay here ." He commanded, then slammed the door shut.

I placed the room, debating if I should leave, or do as he asks and stays.

What if someone's hurt

I walked to the door and tried the handle, but it was locked.


I plopped down on the bed and waited for what seemed like hours for him to come back.

The door handle jiggled, and his tired form entered the room. He laid his bat against the door and sat down beside me.

" What happened?"

" One of Ricks people tried to come here and kill me. "

Oh shit!

My heart raced, as I tried to control my emotions.

" Who ?"

He rubbed his chin with his hand, as he let out a heavy sigh.

" I don't know. Some woman."

" Did he shave long hair? Or short?"

"Short. I think she was with that red-haired man. The one I killed that night ."

My heart sank, I knew who that was.
" Did Rick ask her to do this?"

Negan shook his head, as he gazed into my eyes.

" I don't know. I have her safe in a cell for now. We can ask her in the morning. "

"Okay, I would like to see her. I hope she did this on her own. I would hate for war to break over this. "

" It already has. This kind of attack can't go unpunished. They have to know it's unacceptable. "

" I know. I hate it, but I know. "

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now