" Think about what can still happen ."

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" What? Was the joke that bad?"

Negan taunts as he catches his breath. I rolled the window down so I can still hear what's going on. I glance at Rick watching beads of sweat pool on his brow mingled with tears at the loss of our two friends.

I faintly hear Rick whisper.

"I am gonna kill you ."

This catches Negans ears making him kneel down in front of Rick.

"What? I didn't quite catch that? You are gonna have to speak up ."

"Not today, not tomorrow, but I am going to kill you !"

Negan studies Ricks face not saying a word for a moment.

"Simon! What did he have?

"He had a hatchet ."

Simon responds quickly causing Negan to look perplexed.

Simon corrects his words.

"He had an ax."

Negan chuckles to himself keeping eye contact with Rick.

"Simon is my right-hand man .Having one of those is important. I mean what do you have left without them? A whole lot of work. Do you have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathing? Or did I just? "

Negan gestures with Lucile and makes a pop noise with his mouth. Trying to get a rise out of Rick.

"Give me his ax!"

Negan raises himself up grabbing the ax from Simon. He then glances over at me in the truck .Negan takes Ricks ax and places it in is bet loop securing it for whatever he had planned. He then grabs Rick by his jacket and drags him away.

Be right back! Maybe Rick will be with me? Maybe He won't ?"

Negan tosses Rick inside and shuts the Rv door.

"Buckle up sweetheart, it's gonna be a bumpy ride ."

He then checks out the review mirror making eye contact with Rick. Negan watches Rick look at his ax that is stuck in the table, deciding if he will use it or not. Negan goes to start the Rv and it gives him trouble at first but finally starts.

Rick somehow becomes brave once again ." I am gonna kill you !" This makes me nervous as Negeb locks eyes with Rick through the review mirror once again.

Are you kidding me? Did you see what just happened? What I just did ?"

Negan shakes his head and looks at me.

"Can you believe this guy?"

I glance at him and notice he has a large gun on his lap. Negan lets out a heavy sigh.

"Your best chance is to stand up grab that ax and drive it through the back of my head . See how ya do! Keep acting stuff!"

Negan keeps a tight hold on the gun.

"Grab the Dam Ax!"

Rick bolts up grabbing the ax, only to be meet with Negans gunpoint at him.

" Drop it."

Negan orders as I turn my head to face Rick.

"Please, Rick! Just drop it !"

Ricks gaze softness as he makes eye contact with me before loosening his hold on the ax and dropping it on the floor. Negan then hit Rick with the gun in the stomach knocking all the air out of Ricks' lungs. He then slams the ax back into the table making Rick and I both jump.

Negan looks at me as he gets back in the seat.

"Are you ready to go daring ?"

I nod as he starts to drive off into the fog.

Look at that? Dawn is breaking! It's a brand new day Rick! I want you to think about what could have happened. Think about what happened and think about what can still happen."

Negan drives us a little way before stopping in the middle of a clearing. I can't see out of the window, but I can hear the groans of walkers approaching us. Negan smiles at me before taking my hand and leading me to the table.

Rick stays seated on the bench in the back keeping his head down. Negan locks eyes with me.

"You are mine! "

"Rick! You are mine too! Those people back there is mine ! ".

Negan picks up the ax.

"This is mine too !"

Negan opens the door to the Rv and kills the walker that approaches. Negan tosses the ax into the fog and looks down at Rick.

"Hey, Rick! Go get my ax! "

Negan tosses Rick out of the Rv and shuts it closed.

"Now, you dear wife, let's chat ."'

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now