Marrying the devil

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The soft candles light up the dimly lit room giving it a more inviting atmosphere. My body shakes slightly as I walk down the narrow hallway. All the workers are down below awaiting my arrival for this wedding that's to take place.

The soft lace clings to my body my legs swish back an forth under the many layers. My long veil hides the tears that escape my eyes and run down my cheeks. The small bouquet of flowers helps hide my trembling hands as I walk up to the door.

The double doors open revealing me soon to be husband. He is dressed in a black long-sleeved shirt and dress pants. The dr is standing by him holding an old bible in his hands. All eyes glance my way as I enter the room. The other wives sit on the front row. They all have sympathetic looks as  I pass them and stand by Negan. The dr clears his throat before he speaks.

" We are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony. If anyone can show just cause as to why these row should not be joined, speaks now, or forever hold your peace ."

No dares speak allowing this horrible marriage to occur. Then dr glances at Negan.

" Do you Negan take this woman to be wife?"

" I do."

The old man then glances over at me.

" Do you Addison, take this man to be your husband?"

No! I don't!

" Yes ."

Negan smirks in triumph as he takes my hand in his.

" Place this ring on her hand and repeat after me ."

" I Negan, take you Addison to be my wife ."

Negan repeats it and places the ring on my finger.

" Addison, repeat after me ."

"I Addison take you Negan as my husband ."

I let out a breath steadying my nerves.

" I Addison, take you Negan as my husband."

I placed the silver band on his hand dooming me to a life of misery.

" I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride ."

My heart shattered at hearing this.

Negan lifted my veil and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Let's go consummate this marriage ."

God help me.

The next day I was feeling the guilt of what I had done. The warm sunlight is my only comfort as I stand out here watching all of the people that live here. My eyes land on Trent as he loads up some boxes inside a nearby supply room. The burn on his face is covered by white gauze and medical tape. My heart breaks as I see him wince in pain as the box he is carrying brushes his wound.

I tried to not look at him but my longing for him overwhelmed the voice in my head telling me to look away. Trent drops a box and hurries to pick it up causing his head to turn my way.

His blue eyes turn away from me abruptly as he tried to ignore my presence. This angered me so I marched over eager to know why he was acting like this. He came out of the supply room and I blocked his path.

" What the hell is your problem? Why are you ignoring me, Trent?"

His icy blue eyes held only hate. He pushed passed me not answering me. He picked up another box and kept this up until the trailer was unloaded.

"Trent, please talk to me ."  

My voice was shaky as tears formed in my eyes. His cruelty was breaking my heart into a thousand unfixable pieces. I finally had enough and decided to try and break his heart too.

" I hate you ."

He stopped in his tracks unable to move as the words I spoke registered in his brain. He finally looked at me with tears in eyes.

" It's better that you hate me. You have to forget me, Addison. "

I crumbled to the ground not caring who saw me. My heart was shattered and nobody could fix it. 

Offered [Negan]Cover done by@ NatashaPalma Completed Where stories live. Discover now