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Day 3

It was a cold day in Los Angeles. The fall season finally decided to show up.  Dark clouds hung over the city waiting to release it's water. September winds played with my hair as I entered The Brew. Once again, like every other day,  I'm always at this place. I order a hazelnut cappuccino and stood at the waiting area,  tapping my white nails on the counter. A coffee cup with my name is slid towards me. I take it gracefully and walk back outside and into my car.

A vibration is felt in my pockets and I take my phone from it. Katherine was calling. "Hi Katherine, we haven't talked in a while. " I greet her.

"School is crazy." She sighs,  "But hi!  Can I come over to your house? It's a cold day and I know the perfect way to spend it."

"Yes come!  I'm headed home right now. " I take a sip of my coffee.

"Where you at? " Katherine asks.

"The Brew" I reply.

"Any encounters?"

"If you're meaning Justin. No." As that was said, the universe made her magic and a knock is at my window,  causing me to jump. I look up and see Justin. I put the window down while greeting him,  "Hi Justin!" I put the phone back into my ear,  "I'll call you back? "

"Well I'm gonna be headed to your place so don't take long. " Katherine says and the call hangs up. My attention is then back on Justin. "Sorry I scared you, and interrupted your call." He apologizes

"It's fine. Come inside its cold." I unlock the car while Justin comes around and gets in the passenger seat.

He settles himself rubbing his hands together, "Thank you. I love this weather but sometimes it's too much."

"Cmon its only 60 degrees." I joke, "Plus you're wearing a denim jacket with wool on the inside." I reach out my hand to softly tug on it.

"Well I was about to get a coffee,  wanna come inside with me? "

"No um-" I grab my coffee that was in the cup holder and hold it up "Already ordered."

He replies with an oh and a nod. "Well maybe I'll see you around then?" I smile as he gets out the car,  but I call out for him.

"Justin! " He turns around and hunches down to face me from outside,  "What are you going to do after you get coffee?"

"I don't know. Whatever,  I guess." He shrugs

"Well I'mma go home after and my friend is coming over. You wanna join?"

He thinks about it and gives a small cute smile,  "Yeah I'd like that. Mind waiting for me?" I nod and he shuts the door. He walks across the street and into the shop. I take my phone and text Katherine

Me:  Sooo,  Justin is coming over

Katherine:  biTch WTF!

Me:  is that okay?

Katherine: I'm just surprised. How did this happen?

Me: I just asked

Katherine:  damn Ok
Katherine:  Imma do a quick stop to the store. so I'll probably be a lil late or whatever idk

Me: kk,  be safe

Katherine:  yeah totally

I spent the time drinking from my cup and two minutes later,  Justin reappears coming out of the shop. He approaches the car and opens the door,  getting back inside. His coffee smells so good,  "What did you get?" I ask.

"It's a secret,  but I'll tell you. This is a maple cappuccino with half a spoon of sugar, five teaspoons of milk and cream. Mixed with a little bit of caramel syrup and whipped cream! I also like to add sprinkles." He smiles and opens the lid letting steam dance in front of our faces. "Mind if I put it here?" His hand gestures above the cup holder. I nod and he sets it down. "So who's your friend"

"Its Katherine." I answer,  turning on the car.

"Oh. Was she the one that was on the phone with you? "

"Yeah." I start driving when a little drop of water lands on the glass. Seconds later,  more of them decide to come crashing down. "Woah it's raining." I state the obvious.

"If I was in my car I'd let my window open."

"That's crazy it'll get wet." I shake my head,  "Say,  where is your car?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Back at the Brew." Justin shrugs getting his cup and taking sips.

"You just left it there?"

"Yeah." He answers like if he's done it so often.

"Why didn't you just follow me?" I let out a small laugh

"Because then we wouldn't be able to talk."

"Well there's a phone call. Use it?"

"You right,  but I don't even have your number."

"Well take out your phone." Justin takes out his phone from the inside of his jacket. He gives an approving glance and I say aloud my number,  once he's finished typing it in he puts it back. "There?"

"Yes,  you are set now." He pauses for a moment then continues,  "I should've offered to drive,  I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." I assure him. He sits there fumbling with his fingers. His head then shifts to the side so he's looking through the window. It seemed like something was going through his mind. I wish I knew what he thinks of,  day and night. I become so dazed that I cross a red light and thankfully it wasn't a busy intersection,  but I did get several honks.

"Hey Ariana?" His voice breaks the silence.

"Yeah Justin?"

"Maybe it's weird to ask or whatever,  but what do you do?" He kind of mumbles but it's understandable.

"Well I'm in college right now. I only work sometimes,  which is advertising some product at the mall. Pays good." I respond and he nods. "How about you?"

"Well I go to art school. I like photography and art. Maybe architecture but I don't know anymore." He sighs,  I can tell he probably has thought about this a lot. "It's too late to stop and I'm almost finished so what's the point."

I nod taking in his response, "Well if you stop. What do you want to do?"

"Music." He gives a soft smile when that word escaped his lips.

"Well it's never too late." I advise. I took a quick glance at Justin and back on the road.  That's when I noticed something. Under this rain, our conversation only for our ears, I noticed something about Justin. Vulnerability. The way he played with his collar,  his chin placed on his fist, the way his eyes gazed through the glass. The topic showed his vulnerable side and it really tore at my heart. At that moment I wanted to protect Justin from whatever bad thoughts race in his mind; but instead, I continued driving, not saying a single word, letting the silence consume us once more.

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